As you may have heard, game companies have been censoring users who speak out on human rights and politics. And, gamers are fighting back en masse.


As you may have heard, game companies have been censoring users who speak out on human rights and politics.1 Gaming company Blizzard chose to punish a professional gamer who supported protesters in Hong Kong, and now big protests are planned for their annual conference this week. Gamers are fighting back en masse.2

Take 3 minutes to stand with them.

In solidarity with protesters headed to that major game convention this weekend, we are asking game developers and conference sponsors to take a stand and say they will not punish those who exercise their basic rights.



Want to do more? We've made it easy to tweet at sponsors & developers, and to learn more about our campaign, at

You can also donate to help censorship victims fly to the conference and attend the protest.

Thank you,

Dayton at Fight for the Future


1. Vox:

2. Gamers for Freedom:


Fight for the Future works to protect your rights in the digital age.

PO Box 55071 #95005 Boston, MA 02205

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