Highlights from 16+ years of generating high-quality evidence.
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More evidence, less poverty

IPA 2018-2019 Annual Report Image

Dear Friends,

Last year was a time of both growth and reflection at IPA. Amidst the exciting developments—from starting 98 new studies, launching a new unit that advises organizations on gathering and using data and right-fit evidence, planning a new office in Nigeria, and supporting various government agencies to apply evidence to their programs—we also paused, reflected, and articulated an ambitious strategy to make a bigger impact in the years to come.

In our 2018-2019 Annual Report you will find highlights of IPA’s accomplishments from the past year, which were made possible by the world-class researchers, organizations, and funders we are proud to call our partners.

Download the Report

We are deeply appreciative of your partnership and hope you will continue to join us as we forge ahead in achieving our vision of a world with more evidence and less poverty.


Annie Duflo
Executive Director
Dean Karlan

Sent by Innovations For Poverty Action
101 Whitney Ave New Haven, CT 06510 USA

Email us at [email protected] 
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