Communist Party USA | Radical Ideas. Real Politics.



Dear John,

The CPUSA website is a resource rich with content including articles, blogs, videos, podcasts, webinars, and more. Take advantage of this resource to further your knowledge, engage in debate online, hold discussions in clubs, recruit new members, and build the Party.

Have you checked out our most recent articles?

There's The path to defeat Trump leads from the picket line to the ballot box, We need a global Green New Deal, Marx on the metabolic rift, and Organizing an unstoppable force for our future in 2020 to mention a few.

Webinar Discussion:  The next webinar discussion will be on the new strike wave and Labor’s Fightback. It will take place on Sunday, November 3 at 8:00 PM.  You don’t want to miss it. You can register here.

This week @cpusa:  Have you checked out our weekly topical review of current events?  It’s streamed every Friday at 10:30 on the CPUSA’s Facebook page and on YouTube.  Catch up on the party line every week!

Specter Podcast: Led by CPUSA youth, this podcast is aimed at the young crowd. It features interviews on topics such as the climate crisis and the Green New Deal, trade unionism, the Bolivarian revolution, and much more. Send the link to your friends, co-workers, kids and grandkids!

New! Monthly discussion question. We pose the question, and you respond with your thoughts. Check out the current discussion on the ecological crisis.

Marxist classes. The Marxist classes are held on Sunday evenings via webinar. Can’t attend the live classes? View the recorded webinars at your convenience.  To receive a recording, you must register. The latest webinar, “Green Strategy, Green New Deal,” features Marc Brodine, author of Green Strategy: Path to Fundamental Transformation.

What’s your Marxist IQ? Find out in this regular feature. You answer a few multiple-choice questions and obtain a score. It’s educational and fun.

International Notes: Also be sure to check out our regular updates on developments in the world communist movement.



Communist Party USA 
235 W 23rd St, 7th Fl | New York, NY 10011 
[email protected] |

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