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Dear Friend,
On Thursday, President Biden shared the key components of his current Build Back Better budget reconciliation framework, which included historic gains for families, including child care, home- and community-based services, the Child Tax Credit, expansion of affordable health care, addressing racial disparities by improving equity through investments in maternal health and immigration reform. [1] Giant thank you and congrats to everyone who has been raising their voices to make these gains a reality!
*However, we are not done yet! Notably missing: The high-polling and urgently-needed policy of paid family/medical leave. Click to urge Congress to add it now by sending them the below message ASAP! *When you click, if we already have your information, you’ll automatically signed on to the letter below:
“Dear member of Congress - Thank you for lifting families and the economy! We urge you to please include paid family and medical leave in the Build Back Better package too; and to pass both the Bipartisan Infrastructure and Build Back Better packages together without delay. We are celebrating the historic, much-needed investments that are both job creating and job enabling in the Build Back Better package, including: childcare, home- and community-based services, the Child Tax Credit, addressing equity in maternal health, healthcare, and immigration reform that need to move forward in the Build Back Better and Bipartisan Infrastructure packages without delay -- and please include paid family/medical leave in the final package too!”
→ Haven’t signed-on yet and are fired up! Click here!! Sign-on to the above now! *When you click, you’ll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
Paid family/medical leave is on life support due to a couple of holdout senators, primarily Sen. Joe Manchin and stubborn Republicans. This is despite the fact concurrent proposed tax reform on billionaires and big corporations could more than pay for a larger package -- and despite the fact that moms, dads, and caregivers like YOU across the political spectrum have been calling on Congress to pass this policy.
Pushback on the pushout was immediate in both the House and Senate: "There are some things that aren't in that I frankly haven't given up on. Being a mother of 5 children in 6 years, I've changed more diapers than anybody in Congress. I still would like to see paid leave," Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi told reporters Thursday. And Democratic Senator Patty Murray from Washington, remarked: "We are not going to allow one or two men to tell women, millions of them in this country, that they can't have paid leave."
We couldn’t agree more.
*Take action now to thank Congress for building a care infrastructure, urge them to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure package and the Build Back Better Act together, without delay, and, importantly, to include paid family/medical leave in the final package! *When you click, you’ll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
Here’s that sign-on letter content again so you have it handy:
“Dear member of Congress - Thank you for lifting families and the economy! We urge you to please include paid family and medical leave in the Build Back Better package too; and to pass both the Bipartisan Infrastructure and Build Back Better packages together without delay. We are celebrating the historic, much-needed investments that are both job creating and job enabling in the Build Back Better package, including: childcare, home- and community-based services, the Child Tax Credit, addressing equity in maternal health, healthcare, and immigration reform that need to move forward in the Build Back Better package without delay -- and please include paid family/medical leave in the final package too!"
Paid family/medical leave for all should not be on a political ventilator. It’s good for businesses, for our economy, for taxpayers, for public health, and for our families. We can do this.
*We have a chance to save paid leave if we send a message of thank you and keep pushing to our members of Congress now! Click here and we’ll add you on immediately. *When you click, you’ll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
THIS IS IMPORTANT: Please also get 5 friends or family members to sign on, post this message on social media, and raise the roof for change!
We are in the midst of a deadly pandemic, in a jobs and care crisis, as the only industrialized nation in the world without some form of national paid family and medical leave. We need it badly. This life-saving and economy-boosting policy in the reconciliation package Congress is considering should absolutely be adopted without delay, not stuck in a political ICU.
Your urgent action is needed to save paid leave. Even if you’ve already reached out to Congress on this, today is the day to do it again!
→ Just click here to sign onto our open letter to Congress right now to urge them to pass the Build Back Better and Bipartisan Infrastructure packages together, without delay; and to include paid family/medical leave too as they do it. Please thank them for building a care infrastructure, including making historic investments in childcare, home- and community-based services, the Child Tax Credit, addressing equity in maternal health, healthcare, and immigration reform that need to move forward in the Build Back Better package without delay -- and to urge them to please weave back in paid family/medical leave in the final package too!”
*When you click, you’ll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
**Please be sure to forward this email on to all of your friends and family so they can help save paid leave too. These two minutes of you taking action could help us win paid leave because your two minutes adds up with activism that people are doing across the nation to create a powerful movement calling for paid family/medical leave now!
→ Here’s the link again to sign onto our open letter to Congress!
Moms and caregivers fight every day for our families to thrive -- and we beat expectations again and again. The reason we are so close to passing paid family medical leave in the first place is because we’ve been reaching out to Congress in historic numbers. We so appreciate you doing it again now.
Thanks for all you do,
- Kristin, Namatie, Ruth, and the whole MomsRising.org/MamásConPoder Team
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