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Joint Constitutional Amendment

General, Special, and Bond Election

NOVEMBER 2, 2021 

 Election Day:

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

7am - 7pm

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H D 118 Run Off Election - November 2, 2021

John Lujan,

Republican Candidate for HD 118

Campaign Issues:

Safer Communities

John was a firefighter with the San Antonio Fire Department for 25 years and will be a voice for all our first responders in the legislature. Working to ensure they have the training and support they need to keep all Texans safe. 


Protecting Foster Children

John is committed to passing legislation to enhance protection for our children in the foster care system, so they have every opportunity to succeed. As a foster parent, John knows the importance of providing children with a safe and stable environment to grow.


Strengthening Our Community

A successful business owner, John Lujan, runs a local IT company that provides over 400 high quality jobs to our community. John also started a local non-profit focused on breaking cycles of poverty in our community by providing assistance to local neighborhoods and schools and promoting local small businesses creating jobs in our community. 


Working for Our Community, Not Special Interests

John believes he is elected to serve our community, not special interests or out of town lobbyists. In the Legislature John won’t be afraid to work across the aisle to pass important legislation to improve our quality of life. 


Reducing Taxes

John Lujan is committed to fighting to reign in skyrocketing property taxes and provide real tax relief for our families.


Supporting Public Schools

As the son of an educator, a father, and an employer, John knows that a strong education is key to preparing our next generation to succeed. John will fight to increase funding for local schools and put money directly into our classrooms where it belongs. 


Supporting Our Troops

Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph plays a vital role both defending our country and supporting our local economy. John will work tirelessly to preserve their mission and support our active military members and veterans that call Bexar County home. 


Mitigating Flood Programs

John is a strong supporter of the constitutional amendment that provided funding for a statewide flood mitigation program. As a state we must strive to minimize the damage done by natural disasters and have plans in place to help communities recover quickly.


Improving Health Care

Access to quality healthcare should never be considered a luxury, that is why John supports reforms to our healthcare system that will expand access to care and keep hospital pricing transparent.


Securing our Border

John supports the efforts to increase protection and supplement local law enforcement to secure the border and crack down on human traffickers and cartels that bring violent crime to Texas.

John Lujan Campaign phone: 210-986-0863

Pol. Ad. Pd. for by Republican Party of Bexar County. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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