
A few days ago, I went on Fox News (yes, really) to champion President Biden's Build Back Better Agenda. This agenda matters to the folks I represent, and I'll talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime to make the case for it.

It's crucial we don't miss this moment to get something across the finish line, so I'm doing everything I can to spread our message and deliver results for the American people.

Americans can't afford to go back to the pre-pandemic "normal." Even before COVID-19 devastated our communities, families across the nation were feeling the squeeze. I can't tell you how many working parents I've spoken to about the crushing cost of childcare, seniors about the price tag on prescription drugs and health care, or workers who are clocking in at two jobs but still can't make ends meet.

The Build Back Better framework does something to help these parents. To help the employers who need workers. To help our nation -- and economy -- build back better and stronger than before. And, it keeps the President's promise to ensure nobody earning less than $400,000 per year will pay a penny more in taxes.

If you agree it's time to get this legislation over the finish line, will you sign on today to show your support for President Biden's Build Back Better Agenda?

Middle class families and folks struggling to make ends meet deserve a break, plain and simple. The Build Back Better Agenda gives them a break by lowering costs, reducing taxes, and ensuring people have economic opportunities. At the same time, it will help our nation take critical action to combat the climate crisis.

The framework includes universal and free preschool for all three- and four-year-olds. It will forward affordable, high-quality care for older Americans and people with disabilities. It includes bipartisan legislation that I wrote to help communities that have faced persistent economic distress.

All of this doesn't mean I think this legislation is perfect. There are many more things I wish were included, but at the end of the day, it will make a positive difference for my constituents and for families across the country.

It's time to get this thing done. Will you sign on today to show your support for the Build Back Better framework?

It's an honor to represent you,



Derek Kilmer is leading the efforts to reform our democracy and break through the partisan gridlock so that Congress works for the people. Chip in today to support his grassroots campaign.



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