Folks —

Yesterday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case challenging the Texas abortion ban.

The egregious law not only bans all abortions after just six weeks, but also offers bounties of $10,000 for anyone who turns in an individual deemed to be “assisting” with an abortion — not just doctors and clinic workers, but also Uber drivers, taxi drivers, you name it.

The law is despicable, and it’s a direct violation of Roe v. Wade — but the Supreme Court’s right-wing majority refused to stop it from going into effect, setting a dangerous precedent for reproductive rights across the nation.

Now, the Court is officially hearing the case challenging the Texas law. In just four weeks, the Court will hear another case on a Mississippi abortion ban — and this case will directly challenge Roe v. Wade.

Reproductive freedom is in jeopardy more than ever before. We must stand up and fight back.

Please add your name to my petition demanding Congress pass the Women’s Health Protection Act and protect reproductive rights.


Today and every day, I’m committed to fighting against those who want to strip people of their choices, dignity, and power.

Thanks for signing on,
