**Live AAU Poll Enclosed for [email protected]**
We are living through a national temper tantrum.
When I watch or read about the far-left obstructing progress in Washington on a daily basis, I shudder to think about what comes next...
What new, unnecessary logjam are the extremists causing? What problem is being made WORSE by partisan games on Capitol Hill? What new way have our Democrat leaders found to fail us today?
This is not the kind of leadership America needs. As always, we'd like to pose a quick question to you to hear your thoughts: I have stood up to my own party when it wasn't the popular thing to do. Democrats need to do the same so that the American people aren't affected by another cyber attack or national supply chain delay!
These extremists are willing to say or do anything to get their way. Their way will bankrupt the country, trample our freedom, and let our cities burn.
We cannot let them hijack our country.
Please take a moment to submit your answer to An America United's poll and help us work on your behalf.
Governor Larry Hogan