Dear John,

A freak accident — a mule stabbed, and close to death. But your compassion, your generosity — and your great love for animals — saved him.

And maybe even saved his owner’s life.

It was a remote corner of Morocco. A man I’ll call Amal, living in poverty, had only one mule to help him keep himself and his family alive. But the mule got too close to a nervous cow, as the cow was being milked, and she suddenly gored him. The damage was horrific.

Caring friends like you help the Fondouk respond to emergencies like this every day!

Stop Animal Suffering

Amal and his mother raced to wrap the animal in a blanket — the only way they could keep his insides in — and began a panicky 31-mile journey to the Fondouk. Here, eight professionals worked for hours to literally put the animal back together. Thankfully, he survived!

You made this miracle possible, John. Indeed, your support for the American Fondouk makes a life-and-death difference every day.

Please renew your support now, with a gift that will TRIPLE in value — up to $50,000 — thanks to our Challenge Match!

With my deepest thanks,

Gigi Kay Signature

Dr. Gigi Kay


P.S. Please send your gift by 12/31/21 to qualify for the match!

Help Save Animals


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