From Murad Awawdeh <>
Subject Vote for Immigrant Power NOW!
Date November 2, 2021 12:29 PM
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Today, turn out and vote for a progressive future for immigrant New Yorkers.

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New York, it’s time to vote. Today is Election Day, and we need your vote to shape the future of our city and state. Though the election this year doesn’t include federal offices, it is just as important to turn out for local offices. With your vote, you can protect and empower the millions of immigrant New Yorkers who remain voiceless.

On Election Day, you must vote at your assigned polling place. Make sure you are prepared to participate in our democracy by checking your polling place now ([link removed]) !
Find Your Polling Place Here! ([link removed])
With nearly one million immigrants remaining voiceless in New York City ([link removed]) , it’s more important than ever that you use your vote. Building a stronger democracy based on equity and justice is essential to advancing immigrants’ rights. Help support a progressive future for immigrants by voting today!

In power,

Murad Awawdeh
Executive Director
Donate to Build a Stronger Democracy Together ([link removed])

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