This Week at CMD

Charlie Kirk's right-wing, Trump-aligned campus group Turning Point USA is looking to fan the flames of America's culture wars, a 2021 donor prospectus obtained by the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) indicates. The group is seeking more than $40 million to escalate its efforts to create outrage over the teaching of systemic racism, demonize the Left, fight mask and vaccine mandates, and politicize conservative churches, among other toxic activities, we report.

We continue to cover the unsavory ties of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), the right-wing, corporate pay-to-play bill-writing network. Our latest on the group includes the indictment of an ALEC legislative leader on campaign finance conspiracy charges and a secretary of state primary in Arizona where two ALEC voter suppressors face off.

Here's the latest!


The Latest From CMD 


Turning Point USA Seeks $43 Million to Escalate the Right’s Culture War in American Schools

The Trump-aligned nonprofit pitches a “Systematic Effort” to “Inspire Our Kids [to] Love America Again” in investor prospectus obtained by the Center for Media and Democracy.


ALEC Leader Indicted for Campaign Finance Conspiracy

Tennessee state Sen. Brian Kelsey, a state chair and national board member of the American Legislative Exchange Council, allegedly used illegal contributions to further his campaign for Congress in 2016.

ALEC Voter Suppressors Square Off in GOP Primary for Arizona Secretary of State

Both leading candidates in the Republican primary for secretary of state in Arizona support voter suppression legislation, and one is an insurrectionist backed by Trump.

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CMD Around the Web


U.S. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) cited our work in his article for the Yale Law Journal, “A Flood of Judicial Lobbying: Amicus Influence and Funding Transparency.”

Investigative reporter Robert O’Harrow cited our work in his Washington Post Magazine longread on the Council for National Policy, “God, Trump, and the Closed-Door World of a Major Conservative Group.”

Related: We obtained and published remarks by Edward Feulner, the founder of the Heritage Foundation, from the Council for National Policy’s 40th Anniversary event earlier this year.

The Global Center for Climate Justice interviewed CMD Research Director David Armiak for a piece, “The Tentacles of Fossil Fuel Interests Reach Far into U.S. Democracy.”

More local, state, and national outlets cited our recent work.

  • Common Dreams: Head of Koch-Tied Group Urges Sinema to 'Stay Strong' as She Opposes Tax Hikes on Rich
  • The Guardian: Money and misinformation: how Turning Point USA became a formidable pro-Trump force
  • Media Matters: Charlie Kirk’s venues and sponsors need to know what they’re getting involved with
  • The Progressive: Don’t Mistake Today’s School Board Protests for a Grassroots Campaign
  • Truthout republished our story on the Arizona secretary of state race.
  • Unicorn Riot: ​​School Board Disruptions Escalate, Funded By Conservative Dark Money 

Thank you for supporting the Center for Media and Democracy and reading our work at Exposed by CMD! Have a great week.

Arn H. Pearson
Executive Director

CMD is a 501(c)(3) national watchdog and media group that conducts in-depth investigations into corruption and the undue influence of corporations on media and democracy. Our work is regularly cited by news outlets, policymakers, and grassroots activists working to build a more sustainable future and just society. CMD is reader-supported. Please make your tax-deductible donation today. Thank you!

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