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Never-Trumper neocons were hardly strangers to inciting mobs

By Jack Hunter on Nov 01, 2021 03:18 am

Today's Bill Kristol and Liz Cheney forget their yesterday selves, when they were helping to stoke Islamophobia on the right.
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Israel’s constant talk of attacking Iran is a danger to US interests

By Paul R. Pillar on Nov 01, 2021 03:14 am

Washington must not allow anyone to suck it into self-serving strategies of confrontation in the Middle East or elsewhere.
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A Southeast Asian strategy of denial?

By Sarang Shidore on Oct 29, 2021 02:05 pm

Both the United States and ASEAN need to find ways to temper the intensifying security competition in Asia.
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The argument against South Korean nukes

By Daniel Larison on Oct 29, 2021 03:53 am

There is some logic to the idea that Seoul should have its own deterrent. But proliferation brings a host of new problems no one is quite ready for.
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Our troops are targets in Syria. Why is Biden keeping them there?

By Daniel L. Davis on Oct 28, 2021 03:47 am

After a US outpost is struck again, reportedly by Iranian-backed militias, the DoD assures our forces aren't going anywhere. This is folly.
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Weapons execs lament losses from Afghanistan exit, tout DOD budget increase

By Eli Clifton on Oct 27, 2021 10:19 am

Raytheon's CEO says Congress's military allotment is more ‘aligned’ with the company’s business interests.
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