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Happy Election Day!
Check out the google search trends for the Governor's Race in Virginia [[link removed]]. We're watching this one closely!
We love a good poll! This one says 7 in 10 voters think the country is on the wrong path [[link removed]].
Thank you, Sen. Manchin, for calling out the Dems on their shenanigans [[link removed]].
It's tough to take anyone seriously about climate change when all the activists arrive at the conference in private jets [[link removed]].
A hundred and thirty-six countries agreed to a 15% minimum global tax [[link removed]]for corporations.
Biden continues to embarrass himself [[link removed]]and, what is his obession with trains?
Your funny for the day! The Secret Service has a new dirty job [[link removed]]. There were so many good Halloween costumes this year, but this one is the best [[link removed]]!
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