Congressman John B. Larson proudly represents Connecticut's First District. As the product of public housing, public education, and public service, John knows firsthand how good government can positively impact a person’s life. If you’d like to unsubscribe, click here. [[link removed]]
# [#] Larson Newsletter
Hi John, John is hard at work in Washington getting things done for the people of Connecticut.
Last week, he introduced a landmark Social Security bill to get seniors the benefits they need.
Check out the coverage of the bill on CNBC and read our full press release below! [[link removed]]
Larson Introduces Landmark Social Security Bill
Washington, D.C. - Last Tuesday, House Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee Chairman John B. Larson (CT-01) introduced Social Security 2100: A Sacred Trust. The legislation has nearly 200 cosponsors and has been endorsed by more than 100 advocacy groups.
“Social Security 2100: A Sacred Trust will expand benefits and strengthen Social Security. The pandemic has only underscored what we already knew and has exacerbated systemic inequities -- current benefits are not enough! 5 million seniors are living in poverty due to longstanding discrimination in the labor force that affects mostly people of color and women. These are our sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, and neighbors. For too long, Congress has forsaken its duty to enhance benefits. With 10,000 Baby Boomers a day becoming eligible, and with Millennials needing Social Security more than any generation, the time for Congress to act is now,” said House Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee Chairman John B. Larson (CT-01).
“Social Security is one of the most successful anti-poverty programs there is, but there are still faults in the program, which disproportionately disadvantage people of color. The legislation being introduced today will repair these faults, helping to address persistent racial disparities in income and wealth. This bill will enable Social Security to bring more seniors of all backgrounds out of poverty and provide them the dignity they have earned,” said Whip James E. Clyburn.
"We commend Congressman Larson for his years-long commitment to expanding and strengthening Social Security. Rep. Larson understands that too many seniors are struggling to meet basic living expenses, like housing, prescription drugs, and health care. He knows that Social Security wasn’t set in stone when it was created in 1935, and that the program was intended to be expanded as seniors’ needs change. His legislation gives seniors a much-needed boost in benefits and an improved COLA formula --- and extends Social Security’s solvency. We are gratified that so many of Rep. Larson’s colleagues are signing-on as cosponsors --- and hope that the House will, at long last, enact this crucial piece of legislation for American seniors,” said Max Richtman, President and CEO, National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare.
“Social Security Works strongly endorses Representative John Larson’s Social Security 2100 Act: A Sacred Trust, which expands Social Security's modest benefits. Thanks to Representative Larson’s visionary leadership and tireless work, Democrats are united and ready to take action to protect and expand Social Security. The entire nation owes Representative Larson an enormous debt of gratitude for his powerful leadership and legislation,” said Nancy Altman, President of Social Security Works.
"In America, millions of Social Security beneficiaries are having to make the choice between food and medicine on a daily basis. This is unacceptable in the richest and greatest country in the world," said Robert Roach, Jr., President of the Alliance for Retired Americans. "Black American, Hispanic American and Asian American Social Security beneficiaries were disproportionately affected during the pandemic, exacerbating that inequality. A recent poll indicated that our nation's seniors voted in the last election with the hope and expectation of seeing improvements to the Social Security benefits they have earned. Voters will remember this when they vote. The Alliance for Retired Americans 100% supports Representative Larson's bill, 'Social Security 2100: A Sacred Trust.'"
"Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) is pleased to support the Social Security 2100: A Sacred Trust, which would make significant improvements in the Social Security benefits that millions of veterans with disabilities and their families rely on," said Shaun Castle, Deputy Executive Director, Paralyzed Veterans of America. "As a veterans service organization representing veterans with significant disabilities, PVA is keenly aware of the critical role Social Security plays in the lives of our members and their families and we urge swift action on this critical legislation."
“AFGE is proud to endorse the Social Security 2100 Sacred Trust Act and the many ways it both strengthens the program and expands benefits. We are particularly supportive of the bill’s repeal of the Government Pension Offset and the Windfall Elimination Provision which unfairly reduce earned benefits of public employees and their surviving spouses,” said Everett Kelley, National President, American Federation of Government Employees.
“The National Organization for Women has long advocated for improvements in Social Security that would benefit women and Rep. John Larson’s Social Security 2100: A Sacred Trust Act meets all expectations. Across-the-board benefit increases, an update for the COLA, improved benefits for widows and widowers, increased benefits for the oldest old, and especially caregiver credits so that people (mainly women) are not penalized for taking time out of the paid workforce to care for children and other dependents. With so many working women not able to save enough for retirement due to pay discrimination and many elderly women living near the poverty line, these benefit improvements are desperately needed,” said National Organization for Women (NOW) president Christian F. Nunes.
“The Arc of the United States supports Chairman Larson’s Social Security 2100: A Sacred Trust legislation. This bill would make our Social Security system stronger for everyone, including 10 million children, adults, and seniors with disabilities across the United States who rely on this fundamental program. Social Security disability and survivors benefits are crucially important to the people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families and we’re particularly excited to see a fix included to address the long standing benefit cliff for people with disabilities who want to work,” said Bethany Lilly, Senior Director of Income Policy, The Arc.
“As a union that has advocated for many years for expanding Social Security benefits while extending its solvency well into the future, and funding it through a progressive pay-for that does not negatively impact working families, IFPTE is proud to endorse the Social Security 2100 Act, which achieves all of these goals. We believe that passing this legislation is of utmost importance toward providing current and future retirees the security they have earned and deserve,” said Matt Biggs, IFPTE President.
“NOSSCR supports the reintroduction of the Social Security 2100 Act. NOSSCR is especially pleased that the bill addresses NOSSCR’s top legislative priorities, increasing the fee cap for claimants’ representatives and ending the five-month waiting period before claimants are able to receive their Social Security disability benefits. The inclusion of these provisions results in a fairer and more efficient Social Security Disability program and increases claimants’ access to qualified representation. We have worked closely with Chairman Larson and his staff on these important provisions in the past and commend Chairman Larson for their inclusion in this bill. NOSSCR looks forward to working with Chairman Larson and the many co-sponsors of this legislation to secure a timely passage of this bill,” said Barbara R. Silverstone, Executive Director, National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives (NOSSCR).
“For too long, nearly 3 million educators and other public servants have been hit with Social Security’s unfair Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination (WEP) provisions. GPO and WEP penalize educators, nurses, first responders, and other state and local government employees who dedicate their lives to public service, depriving them of the Social Security benefits they have earned. That is why NEA is proud to support Rep. John Larson’s Social Security 2100: A Sacred Trust legislation to fix this issue by fully repealing GPO and WEP, while expanding Social Security benefits for all beneficiaries, which will help retired educators live with dignity,” said National Education Association President Becky Pringle.
Want to know more? Here’s other coverage of John’s work:
“Social Security Update: New Bill Could Benefit Seniors Immensely by Improving Cost-of-Living Formula” [[link removed]]
“With New Social Security Bill, Seniors Finally Can See the Finish Line for Boosting Benefits” [[link removed]]
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Congressman John B. Larson proudly represents Connecticut's First District. As the product of public housing, public education, and public service, John knows firsthand how good government can positively impact a person’s life.
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