Last month, WFP champion and Democratic nominee for Buffalo Mayor India Walton emailed you to give an update on the status of her race and the numerous challenges her historic, people-powered campaign was facing.
Since then, Senators Chuck Schumer, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Elizabeth Warren have endorsed India’s campaign, a sure sign of momentum. But the challenges remain the same. Her opponent — current Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown — is running a vanity write-in campaign backed by Trump donors who want nothing more than to protect a broken system that works for corrupt real estate developers, not working families.
Election Day is tomorrow and we don't want to wake up on Wednesday wishing we had done more to elect India. Make a final contribution to her campaign here to help get out the vote across Buffalo in the final hours of this important election for our movement.
Contribute $3
You can read India’s original email below.
In solidarity,
All of us at the Working Families Party
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: India Walton
Date: Tue, Oct 19, 2021
Subject: We aren’t simply fighting for the position of Mayor of Buffalo
Hey John, India Walton here.
Back in June, I ran for Buffalo mayor on the promise to fix the broken system my opponent maintained for 15 years — to stop evictions, protect immigrants, and invest in public education.
Thanks to WFP members, staff, and supporters like you, we shocked the world and won. But the powers that be quickly took notice, and mounted a write-in campaign against me, fueled by Trump donors and corrupt real estate developers.
You’d think that after I won the nomination and weathered these attacks from the GOP, the party would have my back. Instead, the NY Democratic Party Chairman Jay Jacobs, when asked if he would support me, went as far to make an analogy between me — a Black working-class mother and activist — to David Duke, the former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.
Contribute $3
I’m being attacked by a right-wing-backed opponent for a reimagined vision for public safety, community development, and affordable housing. And now I’m experiencing hateful comparisons to white supremacists by leaders of my own party.
When we're facing relentless attacks from Republicans and wealthy developers, at times it feels like the cards are stacked completely against us. But then I remember WFP supporters like you John, and what we did together back in June. Working people came out in support of a more just and equitable Buffalo, and with your support, we can turn our people out and do it again.
We aren’t simply fighting for the position of Mayor of Buffalo, but for the soul of our community, our state, and our nation. Can I count on your support with a contribution to my campaign today?
Contribute $3
In solidarity,
India Walton

Become a Working Families Party Member! Other political groups have corporate donors. We have you. Just $10 a month supports our fight.
Paid for by Working Families Party National PAC (77 Sands St. #6, Brooklyn, NY, 11201).