So it’s time to eliminate the filibuster and put the power back with the people.

Hey friend -- this week marks two months since Texas passed an incredibly restrictive and blatantly unconstitutional abortion ban, and since the Supreme Court of the United States let it go into effect. 

Then, thousands of demonstrators rallied in hundreds of US cities on October 2nd to demand reproductive freedom and bodily autonomy for all. 

And recently, even though a federal judge blocked the Texas law from being enforced, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has reinstated our nation's most restrictive abortion law once again. Now, the Supreme Court of the United States is finally hearing arguments about the Texas abortion ban this very week. 

This back and forth makes one thing extremely clear: The courts cannot -- and will not -- protect us forever. Not on abortion access, voting rights, and who knows what else? 

So now, our legislators must pick up the courts’ slack. But there’s something standing in their way: the filibuster. Learn more about the importance of eliminating the filibuster to make important progressive priorities a possibility. Then, take these quick actions to fight for elimination of the filibuster: 

→ Use Fix Our Senate’s latest resource to deepen your involvement. 

Contact your Senator and demand they protect our democracy and voting rights by eliminating the filibuster. 

→ Watch NowThis’ video to learn more about the bill passed by the House of Representatives that codifies the protections of Roe v. Wade and guarantees a pregnant person's right to access abortion. (Reminder: this bill will be blocked in the Senate if we don’t do away with the filibuster!) 

Thanks for continuing in this fight with me. 

In solidarity -- 

Emi and the PeopleGreater Team 

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