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As I send this, I'm on board the Rainbow Warrior ship, stood alongside youth activists from Bangladesh, Mexico, Namibia and Uganda - some of the areas most affected by the climate crisis. 


We’re attempting to sail all the way up the Clyde River in Glasgow to where the UN climate summit (COP26) is taking place right now. 


The authorities have denied us access to sail to the summit. But we’re not turning back.


We're doing it because, on the day these critical meetings between governments begin, world leaders like Boris Johnson need to understand: the voices of people most affected by the climate crisis -- young people, Indigenous Leaders and communities that have suffered the most from climate impacts -- must no longer remain unheard.  


As of right now, the #COP26 hashtag is trending globally, and we want to be right up there with it! Please add your voice of support by tweeting the journey as we attempt to make our way to the heart of the climate talks:

Not on Twitter? Follow the action as it happens on our live blog:

Earlier this year, the UK government proclaimed that this climate summit would be the ‘most inclusive ever.’ [1] But that’s hardly been the case. From access to Covid vaccines, to the rising costs of travel and accommodation there has been an epic failure to address the many obstacles to equal access. This summit will exclude many Indigenous Leaders, small island nations and climate activists from climate impacted countries at a time when their voices need to be heard more than ever. [2]


People whose lives are being most affected by the climate crisis right now should be at the heart of these climate talks. But for too long they’ve been sidelined and their demands for action ignored by powerful world leaders. 


That’s why we're attempting to peacefully sail to the UN climate summit in Glasgow. So these Presidents, Prime Ministers, policy makers and CEOs know that they cannot and should not have these talks without the people most affected by the climate crisis at the very centre of the discussions. 


Join us online and help us increase the pressure. They've tried to deny the ship entry, but we're going anyway. As we sail along the river to bring these vital voices to COP26, will you help us be heard on Twitter?

We’ve got a range of tweets you can send! Yours will be randomly selected, but you can edit or add your own words. Not on Twitter? Follow the action as it happens on our live blog:

Locking out the voices of those most impacted by climate chaos not only replicates underlying patterns of global injustice, it undermines the ability of people to hold governments to account and deliver the outcomes needed.


The activists onboard with me represent young people from communities around the world who have been failed by the lack of climate action by governments and world leaders, and who will continue to suffer the dire consequences of any further inaction.


So as these so-called “leaders” lock themselves behind closed doors in Glasgow, I’m heading to COP26 with Edwin, Farzana, Jakapita, Maria, and the crew on board the Rainbow Warrior, to demand real and immediate action. 


And we’ll remind leaders that they cannot have climate negotiations without the communities most impacted by the climate crisis front and centre.


Help us make sure world leaders see their message:

In solidarity, 





PS: We don't know how far we'll make up the river Clyde -- but we have plans to get the youth activists to the summit so they can deliver their message to world leaders, no matter what. Check out our liveblog to follow the story as it unfolds:


[1] COP26 President: ‘2021 will be a very big year for climate and the UK’

[2] Third of Pacific islands unable to attend Cop26, sparking fears summit will be less ambitious


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