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Climate Justice

This is NPQ’s inaugural Climate Justice newsletter, published on the first Monday of every month. Climate justice understands climate change through the lens of economic, racial, and geographic justice—and NPQ treats this intersection as an existential matter for civil society. Climate Justice means justice, health, life, and the joy of collective liberation on our shared planet for all.

This month, we feature a piece from our Fall 2021 magazine that treats the fight for energy justice as a matter of wresting our collective imaginations, values, and systems from the bonds of capitalism. This is a vital fight—a fight for our lives. Another article analyzes the current funding landscape for BIPOC-led environmental justice groups, whose financial support is increasingly precarious. Steve Dubb interviews two environmental justice leaders of color about their challenges, successes, and visions of a world where we all have the resources to thrive—a world of land and food justice. NPQ’s Editor in Chief Cyndi Suarez surveys the various movements leading the charge for climate justice in an article from our latest magazine issue.

We invite you to read more about our new issue dedicated to climate justice—and to subscribe to receive the full magazine. A unifying message rings out, loud and clear: power to the people.

Power to the People: Why We Need Energy Justice

We need more than a shift from fossil fuels. We need a justice-centered movement for clean energy, with energy produced and owned by the communities who use it. Read more…
Improve fundraising and engagement.
EveryAction surveyed leading nonprofits on their fundraising and engagement priorities for the next 3-5 years, and what they said might surprise you.
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Will the New Funding for BIPOC Environmental Justice Leaders Last?

After George Floyd’s murder, many BIPOC environmental justice leaders were “discovered” by philanthropy. But these leaders fear the new support may be fleeting. Read more…
In-Person, Online & Virtual: The Next Evolution of Fundraising 
Revolutionize your fundraising efforts! Engage supporters with multiple donation and participation options, combining virtual and in-person elements. Be nimble and proactive so participants can choose how they wish to support your mission. Create your next epic fundraiser today! 
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Navigating the Environmental Justice Terrain: Two Leaders of Color Speak Out

What are some of the challenges and joys in the work that BIPOC environmental justice leaders face? NPQ talked to two local group leaders to learn more about their stories. Read more…
Tough Times, Tougher Nonprofits
Can you lead your organization through any storm? Learn from Joan Garry the 5 steps to a thriving and resilient nonprofit in uncertain times.
Read More

Climate Justice: A Global Movement for Life

Social movements are taking the lead in setting the frame for climate justice. Read more...
Who Are Stakeholders & Why Do They Matter?
Wondering how mapping stakeholders and systems can be powerful tools to increase equity and improve organizational decision making?
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