Dear John,
Welcome to a spooky edition of the #BadFaithMedicine Breakdown! Each month, we chronicle our recent activities to call out anti-abortion fake clinics and their efforts to push #BadFaithMedicine.
Latest Updates:
Overturning Roe v. Wade Would Be a Disservice to Everyone- Blog post by Evonnia Woods
“No individual’s rights can be restricted without restricting the rights of everyone, no matter how hard white patriarchal supremacists try to convince us otherwise.”
Six Things You Should Know About Abortion Pills- Blog post by Caitlin Blunnie
“Restrictions on abortion pills are not only unnecessary, as research shows that telehealth abortion is safe and effective, but fall hardest on people of color, those who live in rural areas, LGBTQ+ and gender non-conforming people, and people struggling to make ends meet.”
Fatness and Reproductive Health Webinar- Check out this amazing webinar on how anti-fat bias is steeped within the health care system and creates barriers for fat people to receive the reproductive care that they need. Reproductive oppression through anti-fat bias is #BadFaithMedicine too!
Abortion Comes to the Supreme Court: What’s Coming and What’s at Stake- Worried about abortion rights heading the Supreme Court and not sure what to do? Reproaction has you covered. This webinar addresses the current legal landscape of abortion access, perceived challenges and obstacles, and how our advocacy must expand to secure a future where everyone has access.

Boo! Did I scare you? If not, our fake clinic of the month, Human Coalition, is sure to make your skin crawl:
The Texas based anti-abortion fake clinic chain, Human Coalition, is all tricks and no treats. Even scarier? North Carolina legislators are proposing to allocate nearly nine million taxpayer dollars to fund Human Coalition’s statewide expansion of their Continuum of Care Pilot program, which they claim “[supports] childbirth as an alternative to abortion.” [1,2] This is not the first time that Human Coalition has made their way onto North Carolina’s state budget to funnel taxpayer dollars into the public health nightmare that is their anti-abortion fake clinics and programs. We know Human Coalition is not afraid to manipulate and intentionally deceive in order to get people to their clinics and prevent them from obtaining abortions, and their origin story is not one for the easily frightened. Because they spread disinformation about abortion, Human Coalition’s anti-abortion fake clinics are a threat to public health. It’s imperative that we continue to expose anti-abortion fake clinics, because floating #BadFaithMedicine on state budgets is a disservice to our communities.
Spooked about fake clinics in your community? Check out our fake clinic database to find out and identify the #BadFaithMedicine in your community.
Abortion is a progressive value. Full stop. Sign our petition if you agree.
With that, may this autumn bring the FALL of the patriarchy and I hope you stay safe!
In Solidarity,
Tenaja Henson
Campaign Coordinator
Based in Greensboro, NC
P.S. Donate to support our work today!