Dear John,

The House of Representatives is expected to vote on both President Biden and congressional Democrats’ wasteful “infrastructure” and so-called “human infrastructure” schemes as early as Tuesday, November 2.

Please tell your U.S. Representative to oppose Biden’s wasteful spending spree, even if you have already done so.

H.R. 3684, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, would spend more than $1.2 TRILLION, with only $500 billion allocated for roads, bridges, and other traditional infrastructure projects.

H.R. 5376, President Biden’s so-called Build Back Better Act, would cost Americans another $1.75 TRILLION.  The bill contains hundreds of billions of dollars in spending that would be used to pay for handouts to big labor unions, implement the Green New Deal, and fund a huge wish list of Socialist programs and policies. It redefines “infrastructure” to include public housing and childcare, among other completely unrelated programs.  The bill also includes massive increases in taxes that will impact all Americans, including those making under $400,000.

Please take action right now.

Congress has already spent more than $5.7 TRILLION over the past year for “relief” from the COVID-19 pandemic, and $1 trillion of that money has not yet been spent.  If Biden’s big-spending plans clear Congress, the total approved since last year would be more than $9 TRILLION – more than twice as much as the federal government spent in the year before the pandemic.

These “infrastructure” bills will cause continued inflation, slow the economic recovery, and leave future generations to pay for this increased spending through higher taxes and higher prices well into the future.

Passage of both bills would stand as the largest increase in the size, scope, power, and control of the federal government and the greatest threat to our freedom and liberty in U.S. history.

John, time is running out.  The House is planning to vote on Biden’s schemes as early as tomorrow, November 2.  It is essential that as many Americans as possible contact their U.S. Representative immediately – before it’s too late.

Please contact your elected officials now and demand they vote against Biden’s radically expensive boondoggle right now.


Deborah Collier
Vice President of Policy and Government Affairs



The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW) is the lobbying arm of Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW), the nation's largest taxpayer watchdog group with more than 1 million members and supporters nationwide. CCAGW is a 501(c)(4) nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that lobbies for legislation to eliminate waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government. Contributions to CCAGW are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.   Privacy Policy.

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