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This October issue of the newsletter includes links to Irish and international publications related
to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
To view our entire collection of research and access our resources visit our website [
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], Ireland's comprehensive substance use research library. And follow us on Twitter @HRBdrugslibrary
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Irish-related publications
Estimating need for alcohol treatment in Ireland using national treatment surveillance data
Carew, Anne Marie et al (2021) Irish Journal of Medical Science, Early online
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Comparing cannabis use disorder in the general population with cannabis treatment seekers using
multi-source national datasets: who receives treatment?
Mongan, Deirdre et al (2021) European Addiction Research, Early online
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After lockdown. If you go, go slow.
(2021) HSE drugs.ie.
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The impact of Covid-19 on medical professionals benzodiazepine prescribing practices
Coleman, A et al (2021) Irish Medical Journal, 114, (9), p. 478
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Inkspots and ice cream cones: a model of recovery contagion and growth.
Best, David and Ivers, Jo-Hanna (2021) Addiction Research & Theory, Early online
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"Pints or half-pints": Gender, functional democratization, and the consumption of drink in Ireland.
Connolly, John (2021) The British Journal of Sociology, Early online.
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Harmful alcohol consumption in elite sports players in Ireland.
Murray, Kieran et al (2021) Irish Journal of Medical Science, Early online.
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Budget 2022 health measures for National Drugs Strategy.
(2021) Dublin: Department of Health
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HSE update on cannabis edible products October 2021.
HSE drugs.ie. (2021) Dublin: Health Service Executive
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On-street food services in Dublin: a review.
Higgins, Mary (2021) Dublin: Dublin Region Homeless Executive.
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Over the fence: perspectives on and experiences of child poverty in Tallaght.
Shumba, J et al (2021) Dublin: Childhood Development Initiative
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From the crash to covid and beyond review of the social situation in Europe and considerations for a
more sustainable and inclusive future.
(2021) Dublin: Social Justice Ireland.
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Exploring models of care and the perceived impact in an offender rehabilitation program.
Carolan, Caoimhe and O'Flynn, Alice and Guerin, Suzanne (2021) International Journal of Offender
Therapy and Comparative Criminology, Early online.
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The international standards relating to youth justice: an overview.
Forde, Louise (2020) Cork: UCC Centre for Children’s Rights and Family Law.
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The discursive construction of HIV stigma in Irish print media.
Vaughan, Elena and Power, Martin (2021) Health, Early online.
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Smoking cessation among adolescents in Europe: The role of school policy and programmes.
Mertens, Aukje E J et al (2021) Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 227. p. 108945
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Mid-term review of the ten year tobacco strategy for Northern Ireland.
Purdy, Joanna et al (2020) Institute of Public Health.
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General excise paper.
Tax Strategy Group (2021) Dublin: Department of Finance
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Statistical yearbook of Ireland 2021: Part 1 people and society.
(2021) Cork: Central Statistics Office
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Ballyfermot local drug and alcohol task force CLG annual report 2020.
(2021) Dublin: Ballyfermot Local Drugs and Alcohol Task Force.
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An Garda Síochána annual report 2020.
(2021) Dublin: An Garda Siochana.
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Merchants Quay Ireland annual review 2020.
(2021) Dublin: Merchants Quay Ireland.
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Focus Ireland annual report 2020.
(2021) Dublin: Focus Ireland.
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Novas annual report 2020.
(2021) Dublin: Novas.
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International publications
Health and social responses to drug problems: a European guide 2021.
(2021) Lisbon: EMCDDA
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New psychoactive substances: health and social responses.
(2021) Lisbon: EMCDDA
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Stimulants: health and social responses.
(2021) Lisbon: EMCDDA
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Polydrug use: health and social responses.
(2021) Lisbon: EMCDDA
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Opioids: health and social responses.
(2021) Lisbon: EMCDDA
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Non-medical use of medicines: health and social responses.
(2021) Lisbon: EMCDDA.
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Cannabis: health and social responses.
(2021) Lisbon: EMCDDA
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Mindfulness‐based interventions for substance use disorders.
Goldberg, Simon B et al (2021) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,(10). Art. No.: CD011723.
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Safer drug consumption facilites - evidence paper.
(2021) Edinburgh: Scottish Government
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Drug Deaths Taskforce recommendations.
(2021) Edinburgh: Scottish Drug Deaths Taskforce.
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Injecting equipment provision in Scotland 2020-2021.
(2021) Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland.
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Harm reduction key principles in homeless services.
Perez Gayo, Roberto (2021) Amsterdam: C-EHRN; De RegeboogGroep
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Increased risk for COVID-19 breakthrough infection in fully vaccinated patients with substance use
disorders in the United States between December 2020 and August 2021.
Wang, Lindsey et al (2021) World Psychiatry, Early online.
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Coping among public safety personnel: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Di Nota, Paula M et al (2021) Stress and Health, 37, (4), pp. 613-630.
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Subjective experiences of mental health crisis care in emergency departments: a narrative review of
the qualitative literature.
Roennfeldt, Helena et al (2021) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,
18, (18).
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The early impact of COVID-19 on the incidence, prevalence, and severity of alcohol use and other
drugs: a systematic review.
Schmidt, Rose A et al (2021) Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 228. p. 109065.
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Community based interventions for problematic substance use in later life: a systematic review of
evaluated studies and their outcomes.
Hafford-Letchfield, Trish et al (2020) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public
Health, 17, (21), p. 7994.
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Australian drug trends 2021: key findings from the National Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS)
Sutherland, Rachel et al (2021) Sydney: NDARC, UNSW Sydney.
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Trends and disparities in treatment for co-occurring major depression and substance use disorders
among us adolescents from 2011 to 2019.
Lu, Wenhua et al (2021) JAMA Network Open, 4, (10), e2130280.
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Medication Assisted Treatment: Service evaluation of people's experience of accessing MAT in 6
health board areas across Scotland.
(2021) Edinburgh: Scottish Drugs Forum
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Considerations for virtual services and supports for substance use and concurrent disorders.
(2021) Ottawa: Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction.
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Use of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, and other substances during the first wave of the SARS-CoV-2
pandemic in Europe: a survey on 36,000 European substance users.
Manthey, Jakob et al (2021) Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 16, (1), p. 36.
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“No one believed me”: a global overview of women facing the death penalty for drug offenses.
Andrews-Briscoe, Charlotte et al (2021) Cornell Law School and Harm Reduction International.
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Fatal opioid overdoses during and shortly after hospital admissions in England: a case-crossover
Lewer, Dan et al (2021) PLoS Medicine, 18, (10), e1003759.
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The effects of an evidence- and theory-informed feedback intervention on opioid prescribing for
non-cancer pain in primary care: a controlled interrupted time series analysis.
. Alderson, Sarah L et al (2021) PLoS Medicine, 18, (10), e1003796.
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My first 48 hours out guidelines for naloxone provision upon release from prison and other custodial
Horsburgh, Kirsten (2021) Frankfurt: Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences.
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Public health monitoring of cannabis use in Europe: prevalence of use, cannabis potency, and
treatment rates.
Manthey, Jakob et al (2021) The Lancet Regional Health - Europe, Early online,
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History, science, and politics of international cannabis scheduling, 2015–2021.
Riboulet-Zemouli, K et al (2021) Vienna: FAAAT.
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Prevalence of adolescent cannabis vaping: a systematic review and meta-analysis of US and Canadian
Carmen C W et al (2021) JAMA Pediatrics, Early online.
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Cannabis policy changes and adolescent cannabis use: evidence from Europe.
Benedetti, Elisa et al (2021) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18,
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Preventing marijuana use among youth.
(2021) Rockville, MD: SAMHSA
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Effects of cannabinoid exposure during neurodevelopment on future effects of drugs of abuse: a
preclinical perspective.
Farrelly, Aaron Mark and Vlachou, Styliani (2021) International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22,
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In-home cannabis smoking more prevalent than in-home tobacco smoking among 2019 global drug survey
Bellettiere, John et al (2021) Addictive Behaviors, Early online.
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Associations between primary care recorded cannabis use and mental ill health in the UK: a
population-based retrospective cohort study using UK primary care data.
Keerthy, Deepiksana et al (2021) Psychological Medicine, Early online. pp. 1-10.
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Antidepressant and anxiolytic effects of medicinal cannabis use in an observational trial.
. Martin, Erin L et al (2021) Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12. p. 729800.
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Implementation of medicinal cannabis in Australia: innovation or upheaval? Perspectives from
physicians as key informants, a qualitative analysis.
Hallinan, Christine Mary et al (2021) BMJ Open, 11, (10), e054044.
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Australian drug trends 2021: key findings from the national Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting
System (EDRS) interviews.
. Sutherland, Rachel et al (2021) Sydney: NDARC, UNSW Sydney.
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Long-term anticholinergic, benzodiazepine and Z-drug use in community-dwelling older adults: What is
the impact on cognitive and neuropsychological performance?
Dyer, Adam H et al (2021) International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 36, (11), pp. 1767-1777
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Trends in the use of benzodiazepines, z-hypnotics, and serotonergic drugs among US women and men
before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Milani, Sadaf Arefi et al (2021) JAMA Network Open, 4, (10), e2131012.
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Generating evidence on the use of Image and performance enhancing drugs in the UK: results from a
scoping review and expert consultation by the Anabolic Steroid UK network.
McVeigh, Jim et al (2021) Harm Reduction Journal, 18, (1), p. 107.
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Assessment of stimulant use and cardiovascular event risks among older adults.
Tadrous, Mina et al (2021) JAMA Network Open, 4, (10), e2130795.
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Exploring the implementation of public involvement in local alcohol availability policy: the case of
alcohol licensing decision-making in England.
David, Genevieve et al (2021) Addiction, Early online.
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Intervention impact on alcohol use, alcohol harms, and a combination of both: A latent class,
secondary analysis of results from a randomized controlled trial.
Padgett, R Noah et al (2021) Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 227. p. 108944.
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Evaluation of the impact of alcohol minimum unit pricing (MUP) on crime and disorder, public safety
and public nuisance.
Krzemieniewska-Nandwani, Karolina et al (2021) Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland.
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Intended and unintended consequences of the implementation of minimum unit pricing of alcohol in
Scotland: a natural experiment.
So, Vivian et al (2021) Public Health Research, 9, (11).
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Production, consumption, and potential public health impact of low- and no-alcohol products: results
of a scoping review.
Anderson, Peter et al (2021) Nutrients, 13, (9).
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Awareness of alcohol marketing one year after initial implementation of Ireland's Public Health
(Alcohol) Act and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Critchlow, Nathan and Moodie, Crawford (2021) Journal of Public Health, Early online
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Text messaging interventions for reducing alcohol consumption among risky drinkers: systematic
review and meta-analysis.
Bendtsen, Marcus et al (2021) Addiction, 116, (5), pp. 1021-1033.
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Alcohol and the liver.
(2021) London: Alcohol Change UK.
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Prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in Greater Manchester, UK: An active case
ascertainment study.
McCarthy, Robyn et al (2021) Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, Early online.
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Effect of maternal prepregnancy/early-pregnancy body mass index and pregnancy smoking and alcohol on
congenital heart diseases: a parental negative control study.
Taylor, Kurt et al (2021) Journal of the American Heart Association, 10, (11), e020051.
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A new approach: a prosecutor’s guide to advancing a public health response to drug use.
Cloud, David et al (2021) New York: Institute for Innovation in Prosecution.
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Evaluation of prosecutorial policy reforms eliminating criminal penalties for drug possession and
sex work in Baltimore, Maryland.
Rouhani, Saba et al (2021) Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
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Effectiveness of online training for improving knowledge, attitudes, and confidence of alcohol and
other drug workers in relation to co-occurring mental health conditions.
Marel, Christina et al (2021) Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy,
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School-based suicide risk assessment using ehealth for youth: systematic scoping review.
Exner-Cortens, Deinera et al (2021) JMIR Mental Health, 8, (9), e29454.
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Understanding long-term trends in smoking in England, 1972-2019: an age-period-cohort approach.
Opazo Breton, Magdalena et al (2021) Addiction, Early online.
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Comparative clinical effectiveness and safety of tobacco cessation pharmacotherapies and electronic
cigarettes: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Thomas, Kyla H et al (2021) Addiction, Early online.
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A scoping review of studies on the health impact of electronic nicotine delivery systems.
Hajat, Cother et al (2021) Internal and Emergency Medicine, Early online.
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Incidence of cigarette smoking relapse among individuals who switched to e-cigarettes or other
tobacco products.
Pierce, John P et al (2021) JAMA Network Open, 4, (10), e2128810.
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Fighting the last war: the WHO and international tobacco control.
Shapiro, Harry (2021) London: Knowledge-Action-Change.
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Menthol cigarette use in substance use disorder treatment before and after implementation of a
county-wide flavoured tobacco ban.
Guydish, Joseph R et al (2021) Tobacco Control, 30, (6), pp. 616-622.
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Estimation of the global number of e-cigarette users in 2020.
Jerzyński, Tomasz et al (2021) Harm Reduction Journal, 18, (1),
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The role of sports physiotherapist in confronting exercise addiction.
Quraishi, Shana and Chahal, Aksh (2021) Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 11, (2), pp. 47-51.
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Alert for Ireland on cancers driven by alcohol.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (29 Oct 2021).
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Local secondary school students surveyed to help create a ‘Planet Youth’ in Fingal.
[Irish Independent] Manning, John (27 Oct 2021)
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Calls to ban online ads for junk food, alcohol, and gambling targeting children.
[Irish Examiner] Hosford, Paul (26 Oct 2021)
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Covid lockdowns led to 'significant drop' in assaults at Cork EDs.
[Irish Examiner] Griffin, Niamh (26 Oct 2021)
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How we treat homeless people with mental illness and addiction must change.
[Irish Times] O'Donnell, Chris (26 Oct 2021)
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Seven people caught for drug-driving every day as drink-drive numbers drop.
[Irish Independent] Schiller, Robin (26 Oct 2021)
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Minister Browne publishes General Scheme of Gambling Regulation Bill.
[Department of Justice] (22 Oct 2021)
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Vigilance needed as venues reopen amid reports of drink spiking – charity.
[Irish Times] Hutton, Brian (22 Oct 2021)
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Alcohol is one of the biggest risk factors for breast cancer.
[WHO Regional Office for Europe] (20 Oct 2021)
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FSAI calls for vigilance to dangers of jelly sweets containing cannabis in run up to Halloween.
[Food Safety Authority of Ireland] (20 Oct 2021)
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Ministers Donnelly and Feighan launch €13m Healthy Communities Programme.
[Department of Health] (20 Oct 2021)
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New gambling laws would see free bets banned.
[Irish Times] Bray, Jennifer (19 Oct 2021)
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Almost €700,000 allocated for delayed drug treatment programme.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (19 Oct 2021)
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Just 2%-3% of people with alcohol dependency entering treatment, study suggests.
[Irish Examiner] (18 Oct 2021)
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Statement on budget 2022.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (12 Oct 2021)
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Councillors agree motion to explore safe injection centre for drug users.
[Irish Times] Kenny, Aine (12 Oct 2021)
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Warnings over dangers of 'fake' THC edibles.
[Irish Examiner] O'Rourke, Ryan (04 Oct 2021)
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Nearly 5m antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs dispensed up to August 2021.
[Irish Examiner] Glennon, Nicole (03 Oct 2021)
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Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
Breast Cancer Awareness Month: statements. [
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] (21 Oct 2021)
Other questions 89 - Departmental reports [Drogheda implementation plan]. [
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] (21 Oct 2021)
Seanad Eireann debate. Gambling sector. [
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] (21 Oct 2021)
Citizens' Assembly on Gender Equality: Statements. [
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] (20 Oct 2021)
Joint Sub-Committee on Mental Health debate. Impact of Covid-19 on Children: discussion. [
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] (20 Oct 2021)
Access of Competent Authorities to Centralised Bank Account Registries: Motion [Drugs crime]. [
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] (19 Oct 2021)
Order of Business [Decriminalisation debate]. [
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] (19 Oct 2021)
Seanad Éireann debate. Commencement Matters - Departmental funding. [
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] (19 Oct 2021)
Financial resolution No. 2: General (resumed). [
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] (13 Oct 2021)
Financial resolution No. 1: tobacco products tax. [
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] (12 Oct 2021)
Garda Síochána (Functions and Operational Areas) Bill 2021: Instruction to Committee. [
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] (12 Oct 2021)
Betting (prohibition on use of credit cards) Bill 2021: first stage. [
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] (06 Oct 2021)
Criminal Justice (Amendment) Bill 2021: committee and remaining stages. [
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] (06 Oct 2021)
Priority Questions - culture policy. [
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] (05 Oct 2021)
read more
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