Dear Friend of OpenSecrets,
The events of the past few years have shown that we need public-service journalism to keep us informed and to shine a light on misbehavior. My team here at OpenSecrets has worked tirelessly to that end, making campaign finance and lobbying more transparent and accessible, and exposing bad actors through our one-of-a-kind online resources and reporting.

The work we do every day — and the completely free data tools we offer to anyone who wants to stay informed — could not be possible without your support.

That’s why I’m excited to share that we are once again participating in NewsMatch, an industry-wide movement to sustain independent journalism.

Through the end of December, your donation made to OpenSecrets will be doubled by our friends at Newsmatch. Every dollar you give will be matched, up to $1,000 per person.

If you start a new monthly donation, Newsmatch will cover all 12 months of your gift meaning your gift goes even further to support our organization.

I invite you to help us reach our goal of $20,000, and to support my research team’s difficult task of integrating all state and local data into our online resources. With your support, we will achieve unprecedented clarity on the flow of money in American politics.

Support Independent Journalism!
With gratitude,

Sheila Krumholz
Executive Director

P.S. Help our newsroom expand so we can offer you even greater research and insights in the 2022 midterms, now incorporating stories focused on state-level and local data!

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