From Union City <[email protected]>
Subject “90,000 union voters to turn out” with 1 day to go in VA
Date November 1, 2021 9:48 AM
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"90,000 union voters to turn out" with 1 day to go in VA

Politico, E&E News workers organize, win recognition

ATU 689/ATU 1764; DCNA & SEIU1199

Today's Labor Quote

Today's Labor History


[link removed] TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings

Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report

NoVA Labor Volunteer Phone Bank: Nov 1 & 2, 2021
[link removed] Zoom Link. Trainings at 10:AM and 2:00PM. [link removed] Training Zoom Link. For more info contact Bob Zabel. mailto:[email protected] [email protected]. 317-489-2501

VA Labor GOTV: Annandale: Mon, November 1, 9am - 12pm

4536 John Marr Dr., Annandale VA at 9 AM
Join American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten and National AFL-CIO Executive Vice President Tefere Gebre to kick off our canvassing event! [link removed] RSVP HERE
Contact Bob Zabel if you plan to come by and get a packet. mailto:[email protected] [email protected]. 317-489-2501

Labor Election Eve Rally with Terry McAuliffe, AFSCME president Lee Saunders & AFT president Randi Weingarten: Mon, November 1, 7pm - 8pm

Caboose Commons, 2918 Eskridge Rd, Fairfax.

VA Labor GOTV (Election Day!): Annandale: Tue, November 2, 9am - 8pm
4536 John Marr Dr., Annandale VA at 9 AM
Join National AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler, American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) President Lee Saunders, AFT President Randi Weingarten, and Lieutenant Governor candidate Hala Ayala to kick off our canvassing event!
[link removed] RSVP HERE
Contact Bob Zabel if you plan to come by and get a packet. mailto:[email protected] [email protected]. 317-489-2501

VA Labor GOTV (Election Day!): Richmond: Tue, November 2, 9am - 8pm
5809 Lakeside Ave., Henrico, VA at 9 AM
Join National AFL-CIO Executive Vice President
Tefere Gebre to kick off our canvassing event! [link removed] RSVP HERE

NOTE: [link removed] CLICK HERE for the complete NoVA Labor election activity calendar listings thru Election Day (11/2). photo: GOTV instructions at NoVA Labor on Saturday; photo by Chris Garlock.

"90,000 union voters to turn out" with 1 day to go in VA

Yesterday, hundreds of union volunteers knocked doors across Virginia to Get Out The Vote for the pro-worker candidates up and down the ballot. But with Governor Terry McAuliffe leading anti-worker candidate Glenn Youngkin by just 1 point in a recent poll, "There's still so much to do in these last few days," said AFL-CIO president Liz Shuler Saturday at a labor GOTV rally in Annandale. "There are still more than 90,000 union voters to turn out," reports the AFL-CIO. Click here to find out about
[link removed] phonebanking and here to find out about [link removed] door-knocking
. "Don't sit this election out," urged the Virginia AFL-CIO. "We need all hands on deck! Come out and join us in protecting our rights and voices both on and off the job. Every vote counts and we can't do it without you." photo: GOTV instructions at NoVA Labor on Saturday; photo by Chris Garlock.

Politico, E&E News workers organize, win recognition
Shortly after [link removed] PenGuild
announced on Friday that a supermajority of newsroom employees at Politico and E&E News had formed a union "in the spirit of love for journalism, respect for our colleagues and hope for this company's future," the new union - a unit of the Washington-Baltimore local of NewsGuild-CWA - tweeted that "@politico management just notified newsroom employees that they reached out to @newsguild to discuss an agreement to VOLUNTARY RECOGNIZE our union." Congratulations poured in, including from NewsGuild president Jon Schleuss, who tweeted "Welcome to a family of thousands of journalists, media workers and activists!" Organizers will now meet with Politico management to discuss who's in the union. "We truly are mightier together!" tweeted PenGuild. Politico and E&E were both recently sold to German publishing giant Axel Springer.

Evening with Labor awardees: ATU 689/ATU 1764; DCNA & SEIU1199

The 2020 [link removed] Evening with Labor, rescheduled for November 12, honors those who have gone above and beyond to support and fight for the local labor movement. We'll be featuring them this week in Union City. This Friday, October 29, is the deadline to reserve your ticket(s) and/or ad in the EWL program book; Get your [link removed] ad and ticket orders in now! For ticket credit card purchases, [link removed] CLICK HERE. For check payments or to avoid additional online fees, [link removed]
register using this google form. Note that an option to attend virtually is available this year.

Golden Picket Award
ATU 689/ATU 1764

Local transit workers - members of ATU locals 689 and 1764 - joined the latest national surge in strikes in the Fall of 2019 when they launched not one, but two strikes (and came close to a third) against Fairfax Connector contractor Transdev. They took on a huge multinational company and endured the cold and rain as their unyielding battle for justice and fairness garnered support from every corner of the local labor movement, as well as from community, political and religious allies. Their fortitude and belief in their cause - and their spirit as they danced and sang on the picket line -- served as a welcome inspiration in the nation's capitol.

Golden Picket Award

Even as health care has become a major issue on the national political stage, health care workers and the patients they care for have been hit hard by hospital closings and cutbacks in recent years. DCNA and SEIU1199 have been absolutely tireless in their battles to save healthcare for all, most especially for those in underserved parts of the metro Washington community. The 2019 fights over the United Medical Center, Howard University Hospital and the East End Hospital Campaign exemplified both the ongoing challenges faced by these unions and their ability to craft creative and effective tactics and strategies. Taking full advantage of the Metro Council's coalition of unions, community, religious and political allies, these unions continue to set a shining example for all of us.

Today's labor quote: Muriel Bowser

"You do what you have to do for the working people; it is to time to elect Terry McAuliffe and Virginia Democrats up and down the ballot! ".

The DC Mayor spoke at Saturday's UNITE HERE GOTV rally in Virginia. photo: UNITE HERE canvassers on Saturday.


This week's Labor History Today podcast: This week's show: [link removed] From the Necropolis Strike to Striketober. Last week's show: [link removed] "[link removed]
Voices of Guinness: An Oral History of the Park Royal Brewery"

Nation's first general strike for 10 hour day; Philadelphia - 1835

Some 400,000 soft coal miners strike for higher wages and shorter hours - 1919

The UAW begins what was to become a successful 172-day strike against International Harvester - 1982

Some 20,000 Google employees around the world stage a wave of walkouts after the New York Times reported that the company had paid millions of dollars in exit packages to male executives accused of sexual harassment. One of the accused got $90 million. 2018

- David Prosten.


Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.

Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.

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