Dear John
Parliamentary News Update
My latest
newsletter is available
online now.
month, we cover the Government's new traffic light system, vaccination
rates and certificates, Three Waters, education and housing news.
There is also more information about Youth Parliament online meetings
being planned with schools.
Many of
you have been in touch confused about the changes, when the Government
announced the easing of restrictions in the Waikato region for towns
like Cambridge to Step One of Alert Level 3. The change means very
little in practical terms and like many locals, I remain in lockdown.
I’ll continue to advocate for sensible decisions like moving Cambridge
back to Level 2 as risk has significantly reduced.
Government also introduced a new
traffic light system, called the 'COVID-19 Protection Framework'
as a pathway to end the Alert Level system. Many more questions arose.
What will
this traffic light system entail and how it would work? More
specifically, when will the Waikato move from Alert Level 3? Will it
be when Auckland reaches 90% vaccination rate or if all towns covered
by our local DHB attains 90%, or will we move sooner once case numbers
How will
vaccination certificates work and what about the continuing effects of
lockdown on our schools and students unable to return to school until
towns move alert levels, but conditional on vaccination rates reaching
90%? Interim figures obtained from DHBs suggest optimistically
we may only reach 90% fully vaccinated across the electorate by
mid-December. National's view
on vaccinations and vaccination certificates is
So many
questions remain and I look forward to returning to the House when
parliamentary recess is over to get honest, clear answers from the
Government. They are still refusing to share any health advice with us
as Opposition or you as the New Zealand public.
In the
meantime, while everyone's attention is diverted, the Government has
decided to mandate Councils to hand over control of their Three Waters
assets to four centralised entities. This decision confirms National's
earlier warnings that the Government is set on disregarding democracy
and forcing their will on communities and their local elected members
Many have
asked - what National will do? I have been unequivocal
in my view opposing the Government's asset grab attempts and have
been in ongoing engagement with our three Mayors and other community
representatives on this issue. A National-led Government will repeal
the legislation and instead work in partnership with Councils, not
force a broken model on them. My newsletter elaborates
In other
news, National has released its ideas to supercharge
housing supply make the investment in purpose-built rental housing
in New Zealand easier. These are welcome initiatives in an area that
is a struggle for most, the high cost of housing, homeownership and
lack of rental properties. More of that in the newsletter
in Business Plan was also recently released. It contains a clear
roadmap to open our economy and it details how we will support
businesses, especially in the hard-hit
tourism, hospitality, and events sectors. I've been hosting
several community zoom meetings with businesses, business
associations, and Chambers of Commerce to discuss the strategies in
our Plan. The feedback has been positive and encouraging so far.
as our senior students still grapple with lockdowns while trying to
prepare for NCEA exams, I'm
looking for our next Taupō Youth MP. As I could not physically go
and meet students at schools during the lockdown, we have continued
our campaign online through zoom meetings with schools, details of
meeting dates on 1, 2 and 4 November on my website.
My team
and I are still working from home in Cambridge, and the Taupo office
is open if you need any in-person assistance. Please do not hesitate
to reach out by phone and email.
I hope you
and your family are keeping well. Keep staying in touch!

Hon Louise
light system - what is it?
Based on
the Government's logic, the traffic light system intends to kick in
once all DHBs in an alert level area reaches 90% vaccination rates.
However, towns in our Taupo electorate covers two DHBs, and some towns
are in alert level 2 (Taupo and South Waikato towns) and others in
alert level 3 (Cambridge). The Government has indicated that Auckland
needs to wait until all three DHBs have met the 90% rate, but it is
less clear how it will work for the rest of New Zealand and whether
everyone moves together to the traffic light system or whether it will
be phased.
The Lakes
DHB (covering Taupo District) is currently sitting at 80% vaccination
rate for one dose and 64% for two doses. In the Waikato DHB,
Cambridge is currently sitting at 90% vaccination rate for one dose
and 73.5% for two doses. South Waikato district towns of Tirau,
Putaruru, Tokoroa is sitting at 78.4% and 57.4%

question remains - when will Cambridge move out of Alert Level 3, is
it when Auckland reaches 90%, or all towns in the Waikato DHB reaching
90%? At this rate, it appears we will only move out of lockdown around
7 December. What happens if we have no more cases but other towns are
yet to reach 90% in our district?
urgently need clarity and honesty from the Government about what is
next so that our community, our businesses and our schools can plan a
little further ahead than just a week at the moment.
new system will require a law change to the Covid-19 Response Act
which will address issues around vaccination certificates and I look
forward to the debate in the House.
Vaccinations and Certificates
position on vaccinations and the vaccine certification is
straightforward. We support short term widespread use of proof of
vaccination as we continue the vaccination drive to get as many Kiwis
vaccinated as possible.
As Kiwis
get vaccinated, the Government should be relaxing restrictions on
them. We don't support or agree with the Government's plan to impose
restrictions on the mandatory use of vaccine certificates after we
have hit their vaccine target of 90% across all DHBs.
more concerning is that while we've been calling for reliable proof of
vaccination to be available since February this year, the Government
is still planning the vaccine certificate process. As a result, many
events in the electorate have been cancelled or postponed
unnecessarily while the Government has been asleep at the
National's Back in Business plan released October 2021, we propose
allowing businesses where all staff are fully vaccinated to operate as
normal under Level 2 if they choose to, and allow fully vaccinated
staff who work for any business to cross regional lockdown boundaries
upon completion of a rapid antigen test at the border, or evidence of
a negative daily test.
We also
said that under Level 3 lockdown, we would allow fully vaccinated
people to go to work, attend events, use gyms, or visit restaurants
and bars showing proof of vaccination upon entry. National believes in
private property rights, free enterprise and freedom of choice. The
decision to allow vaccinated people on your premises should be over to
a business to determine and over to individuals to decide and we would
pass legislation if it is required to make this easier.
We do not
support the Prime Minister’s characterisation of a two-tiered system
of the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. We should not be naming and
shaming people if they haven’t been vaccinated, but support them to be
vaccinated where they can be.
plan to supercharge vaccinations are here.
National's Back in Business Plan
As we are
heading towards two years of lockdowns, New Zealand’s economy has been
hammered by Covid-19. Businesses are suffering and many have closed.
Our domestic
tourism, hospitality, accommodation and events sectors have all
been hit hard by regular restrictions on travel, distancing
requirements and capacity limits. National has released its Plan
to save livelihoods and unleash our economy. Read
more about the plan here.
Waters - What will National do?
National-led Government will repeal the legislation and instead work
in partnership with Councils, not force a broken model on
We are not
fixated on just one model, instead, we will explore a range of ideas.
Ideas such as working in partnership with Councils and not over the
top of them, or forcing a broken model on them. Councils could get
together and form Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs) for example
Watercare in Auckland. Councils could collaborate with or contract
other high-performing councils to manage their water assets. We would
also look at the option of co-funding partnerships between central and
local governments.
There are
plenty of mechanisms the Government could look at instead of their
ideological centralisation scheme. The next National Government will
unwind the four entities and we’ll return seized assets to local
More than
55,000 have now signed the Stop the Three Waters asset
the petition here!
Government's announcement on 27 October that students in Years 11 - 13
but at alert level 3 could go back to school with conditions on 15
November means that there is no hope for students in earlier
years. Students about to sit NCEA have missed vital face to face time
with teachers.
learning in lockdown has been incredibly varied. As a result, students
have vastly different levels of preparedness for NCEA.
urges the Government to reopen schools for year 9-10 students as soon
as possible. These are critical developmental years that prepare
students for their important NCEA years. Saying “more work” needs to
be done simply demonstrates how unprepared the Government are and
their complacency about the damage missed class time is doing to
More on
this issue in Paul Goldsmith, Spokesperson for Education's press
National has worked constructively with the
Government in support of a new Resource
Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment
Bill to amend the Resource Management Act to make it easier for
New Zealanders to build more houses.
April this year, National drafted a Bill that would require local
authorities to zone more space for new housing, drastically cutting
consent requirements for those wishing to build new dwellings whether
through intensification or greenfields development.
Government saw merit in the bill and have agreed to work with National
on the new Bill. The changes it contains will allow New Zealanders to
do more on their land without needing resource consent, reducing the
time, cost and complexity that too often greets those who want to
build new dwellings.
Build to rent
National has also announced the Boost
Build-to-Rent Housing Bill – our plan to unlock investment in
purpose-built rental housing in New Zealand, which will provide
greater security of tenure, professional landlord services, and the
experience of living in newly built
accommodation. We are hopeful the Government would seize the
opportunity to adopt a Bill that will greatly supercharge housing
supply in New Zealand.
Parliament 2022
Are you
Taupō's next Youth MP 2022? I'm eagerly awaiting applications from
young people in the Taupō electorate to represent their youth
community at New Zealand’s next Youth Parliament 2022 held on 18 – 20
July 2022.
will need to email in an application form and short CV, with a brief
pitch of about 500 words about a community or youth project they
intend to undertake during their tenure [email protected] by
no later than noon on 8 November.
Shortlisted interviews will take place in mid-November,
with the successful Youth MP announced mid-December.
Online information sessions
I will be
hosting an online information session on 4 November. Details on
how to join are here on my website.
Opportunities to meet me
I am
regularly scheduling online meetings on a variety of topical
discussions and the best way you can stay in touch at the moment is to
connect with me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and sign
up to receive my monthly newsletters.
I host
regular Live with Louise sessions on Facebook, and upcoming dates are
below. Please send me your questions and join me on the night to have
them answered. You can watch our last session here
if you missed it.
- Tuesday 9 November, 8pm
- Tuesday 9 December, 8pm
You can
also watch my speeches in the House here.
Join the
If you
want to have a say in your future, demand
the debate on Three Waters, and sign up to
receive updates on this campaign and others addressing vital
issues facing our country.