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Making sure you saw the email Bob sent earlier today.

With so much work still ahead, can Bob count on you to make a final contribution towards his October fundraising deadline? We still need to raise $2,098 by midnight.

— Katherine

Begin forwarded message:

Since it’s Halloween, I’ve been thinking about what’s really scary. I must admit — the persistence of Donald Trump and the threat he represents to our democracy is at the top of my list.

My team and I are dismantling Trump's legacy one case at a time. We’re also pushing back against Trump’s Big Lie, including stopping frivolous, partisan attacks on the integrity of Washington’s election.

There are lots of people attacking us for our work — but I don’t scare easily.

The Trump Administration’s far-reaching damage will take years to correct, but we’re not giving up. In fact, we’re making progress every day. Just last week we permanently defeated another Trump-era anti-environment rule.

With your support, I feel confident that we can continue the important work ahead. Will you be one of the final donors I need for October? You can make a contribution towards the goal here:


I will continue to fight Donald Trump’s harmful legacy in court and I hope to have you by my side.

Here’s that link to give again:


Happy Halloween,


Paid For By Friends of Bob Ferguson (D)
Re-election to Attorney General
PO Box 22169
Seattle, WA 98122
United States
Email is an important way for Bob Ferguson to keep supporters like you informed about critical issues and to build a winning grassroots campaign. If you no longer want to hear from Bob Ferguson click here to get off all our lists instantly. Questions or concerns? Contact us here.


The campaign to re-elect Bob Ferguson does not accept corporate contributions or contributions from entities or individuals under investigation by the office of the Attorney General of Washington. The Bob Ferguson re-election campaign will accept contributions from individuals, small businesses, and associations.

Copyright Friends of Bob Ferguson (D), All rights reserved.