We can’t slow down, but I need your help...

Friend, I’ve never minced words with you before, and I won’t start now.

I need your help.

The radical left is pushing its agenda more than ever before and we have our work cut out for us if we have any hope in stopping it.  

Our lawsuits are having an huge impact, but we have to ramp up the pressure now.

Because of this, we need an extra-strong push to make our October budget, we are tracking just a little behind and we need your help.

So if you’re in the position to make an emergency, tax-deductible donation of $50 or more, I hope you will.

If $50 is more than you can afford right now, know that your gift -- no matter how large or small -- will get us that much closer to our goal, and help fund the Center for American Liberty, and push forward in our fight for the future of our nation.

Friend, this isn’t the time for the Center for American Liberty to slow down.

Every month into the Biden regime, our country barrels closer to complete and total collapse, and the journalists that swore to hold our government accountable are carrying the administration’s water.

From our successful lawsuit challenging Montgomery Public County Schools’ vaccine mandate, to our landmark lawsuit against Twitter and U.S. Sen. Alex Padilla for their unconstitutional censorship of conservative voices, our work has never been more crucial.

Now more than ever, our country needs people and organizations who are willing to stand up and fight the radical left and defend our Constitution. 

Too many of our countrymen still don’t know about what’s happening, and what’s to come if we don’t quickly change course.

With your help, we’ve been able to reach entirely new audiences with our message and your values -- and we can’t lose sight of what’s at stake now.

Will you help us now? 

DONATE HERE: https://secure.anedot.com/center-for-american-liberty/

I’m counting on you, and so is your country.


Harmeet K. Dhillon

