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California Employment Report
for June 2019

The Center for Jobs and the Economy has released our initial analysis of the June Employment Report released by the California Employment Development Department. For additional information and data about the California economy visit

CA Unemployment Rate Level
CA Unemployment Rate

EDD reports California's unemployment rate (seasonally adjusted) in June was unchanged at 4.2% as the labor force continued to dip. Total employment was down 45,300 from the revised May numbers, while total unemployment dropped by 12,400. Total labor force was down 57,000.

US Unemployment Rate Up
US Unemployment Rate

The US unemployment rate notched up 0.1 point to 3.7%.  Employment was up 247,000, unemployment up 87,000, and the labor force grew by 335,000.

Nonfarm Jobs Up
Job Gains

Nonfarm wage and salary jobs rose 46,200 (seasonally adjusted) in June, while jobs nationally grew by 224,000. May's gains were revised to 21,600 from the previously reported 46,000. Biggest gains were in Construction (11,900; $69.5k), Healthcare & Social Assistance (5,400; $51.5k), and Accommodation & Food Services (5,400; $24.7k). Losses were in 4 industries, with Retail Trade (-1,400; $36.3k), Arts, Entertainment & Recreation (-700; $59.0k), and Real Estate, Rentals & Leasing ($68.6k) and Mining & Logging ($118.4k) both showing a loss of -200. All salary numbers are the latest 4-quarter average from Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages.

Employment Rank Drops to 9th Highest
Job Gains

While jobs growth continues to slow in the state, employment has slowed more strongly as the labor force continues to contract.  California employment rose only 58,600 over the year ending June 2018 (seasonally adjusted), putting it at the 9th highest gain amongst the states.  On a population-adjusted basis, California’s growth rate over the year was only 0.3%, placing it as 39th highest.

Counties with Double-Digit Unemployment
Counties with Unemployment Above 10%

The number of counties with an unemployment rate at 10% or above stayed at 2:  Imperial and Colusa. The number with unemployment rates at or below 5% dropped to 37, with 8 counties at 3% or below.  San Mateo had the lowest rate at 2.3%, while Imperial had the highest at 18.6%.

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Sacramento, CA 95814