Oh sure, it is easy enough to write an email comparing some Republican to a ghoul or another to a vampire.

I will leave that to other folks. Because you know what? When I think of Halloween, I do not think of monsters—I think of children and families; of parents taking their kids out in the twilight, of bright-eyed smiles, of hopefulness and excitement as we meet our neighbors for a fun celebration of community.

That is the kind of America I dream of for our children, one where kids can focus on being kids, on learning and growing. And not one where hunger, or fear, or uncertainty push their dreams out of reach, bit by bit. Every day.

... and not just on Halloween. Every day. Here are just a few examples:

  • Child poverty is an unthinkable and very real problem across America. In the last year, we have slashed it in half—and we will make a down payment on continuing that progress in the year ahead.
  • Our Build Back Better agenda is at its heart about taking care of children. We are making child care affordable. And we are making sure that every three- and four-year old can attend preschool for free.
  • I love Halloween candy as much as anyone, but our Build Back Better plan ensures that more kids get healthy nutrition all year round. 8.7 million children will get free school meals—and the families of 29 million children will receive food assistance during the summer.

And of course, our critical investments to take on climate change, make health care affordable, expand opportunity, are all about building a brighter future for our kids. The list goes on. Because so much is on the line right now.

All of this and more is on my mind this Halloween, because I just want to be able to live in an America where every child has reason to smile—and not just because they have a bucket full of candy.

Happy Halloween.

Rick Larsen


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