It’s Halloween night, you in for a fright?

Senate Republicans have raised $76 million this year alone, and they have more than double the amount of cash in their war chest (ehem, cauldron) as Democrats — cash they’ve already put to use launching nasty attacks.

Even scarier? Mitch McConnell needs to flip only one seat to reclaim the majority and turn the Senate back into a legislative graveyard. And he’s pulling out every trick in the book to make it happen.

Eeek, we just got chills.

Will you pitch in toward our end-of-month goal before the clock strikes midnight and help us keep the Senate majority out of McConnell’s hands?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

It’s a treat to have you on this team.

Thanks for chipping in, if you can! Happy Halloween!

— Team Hick