Now is our last chance to reach our important end-of-month goal before the clock strikes midnight.

House Democrats are doing everything in their power to outraise Republicans and keep their slim majority. As my team and I prepare for next year’s election, we need to be sure we have all of the resources needed to keep Southwest Washington red and win back the House.
The Radical Left is trying to lead America down the wrong path. We simply cannot sustain their harmful agenda. They plan to change America completely before their time in the majority is up in 2022, which is why I am doing all I can to ensure that they are unseated next year.
I won’t be able to do it alone, however, which is why I am counting on your help. As the Radical Left rolls out more and more dangerous policies, can I count on you to pitch in today and join our efforts to flip the House in 2022?

Thank you for your support, 
Jaime Herrera Beutler
Jaime for Congress
PO Box 1614
Ridgefield, WA 98642
Copyright © 2021 Jaime for Congress, All rights reserved. 
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