With three potential opponents already eyeing Alexandria’s seat — posting a strong fundraising report would send a powerful message that our movement is stronger than ever.
We’re down to the wire. At midnight tonight, we’ll tally our numbers to see if we hit our goal of matching the $174,249 Republicans have already raised against Alexandria and our movement this year.
We’re so close to our target and based on our math, if three people in the greater area of the 19125 zip code contribute right now, we’ll hit this goal in minutes. We know not everyone reading this will be able to contribute — and that’s okay! But, if you’re able, it will make a huge difference in whether or not we reach this goal.
Will you be one of the three people we need from the 19125 area to make a contribution right now to get us to our goal before midnight?
Contribute $3
Last year, corporate PACs, lobbyists, and right-wing media helped funnel over $10 million dollars to our opponent — which he used to buy advertisements and distribute over 700,000 fliers spreading lies and misinformation about our movement across the district. And, we know this upcoming race has the potential to be even more expensive.
That’s why it’s so important that grassroots campaigns like ours hit every single fundraising goal. Online contributions to emails like this one really matter to our campaign — and when we set these goals, they’re not just made-up tactics. We need to hit these specific targets in order to run a strong campaign and make all our critical organizing investments in the months to come. That’s why we’re asking for your help before the deadline.
We can’t hit this goal tonight without you. Will you be one of the three people we’re counting on from the 19125 area to make a contribution before our deadline tonight?
Thank you so much,
Team AOC