Tuesday Nov 5: Vote Yes on Prop D!
PUBlic Transit CRAWL - meet new transit friends
Riders Talk 30x30
Save the Date: Celebrate Transit Riders 12/11!
News & Calendar


Vote YES on Prop D next Tuesday - it needs your help!

Proposition D levies a tax on ride-hailing trips (like Uber and Lyft), which will raise an estimated $30 million a year for Muni and pedestrian safety improvements. San Francisco has a way to go before we might get congestion pricing, and a way to go before we might be able to regulate ride hailing. In the meantime, this measure will leverage private use of San Francisco streets to provide funding for and to prioritize Muni.

As we've seen, when Muni improves, ridership goes up. With better service, more folks can leave private cars behind, and we have a chance of meeting our climate goals.

Prop D needs 2/3 support to pass. In an off year, every vote counts! Make sure you vote for D, and ask all your friends to do the same. We need all the funding sources we can find to make Muni better.

The campaign can use your help at farmers' markets and phone banks!


Welcome to the riders' movement - time for a PUBlic transit CRAWL!

Our email list is growing, as is our membership. Time to come say hi in person at a PUBlic transit CRAWL! We want to meet you, answer your questions, hear your concerns about public transit in San Francisco, and talk about how we can be better advocates for your ride.

PUBlic Transit CRAWL Rules: Join or renew your membership at the Crawl, and we'll buy you a drink. Get a new member to join, we'll buy you a drink for that, too!

Wednesday, November 13
5:30pm Murphy's Pub -- 217 Kearny St
6:45pm Bar Nua -- 561 Columbus Ave
8:00pm Black Magic -- 1400 Lombard St


Riders talk 30x30

We spent much of 2019 talking to riders across the city at schools, community groups, political groups, merchant groups, and at Sunday Streets.

With the help of more than 25 volunteers who joined us at Sunday Streets, we spoke with around a thousand people about 30x30, the Rapid Rider Network. We educated and informed people about the power of Rapid service to make streets safer, communities healthier and more livable, and to get people where they're going efficiently and affordably. We listened and learned about riders' and others' concerns about public transit in San Francisco.

We have close to 20 organizations ready to sign on to our 30x30 Resolution (let us know if your group wants to sign!). We've collected over 300 postcards to the SFMTA Board asking for Rapid service - we'll continue collecting them to deliver in person in 2020.

We have just over 750 surveys about 30x30 completed - help us get to 1,000 this year!

We're putting together our campaigns for Rapid service in 2020 - as long as we continue to grow our membership and funding, we will be able to improve the T Third, the 29 Rapid, and the 22 Fillmore, and continue to work with riders to build out a robust network of Rapid routes to serve every neighborhood in San Francisco!



We'll be celebrating our awesome volunteers, welcoming new folks to the fold, celebrating our successes and setting our sights on the next year - and of course, rolling out the red carpet!

We have a major fundraising goal to keep growing our reach across the city. If we hit $30,000 before the end of the year, we'll be ready to hire a new Community Organizer so we can reach more riders and make sure more projects put riders first.

So mark your calendars, and let your friends and coworkers know! See you all December 11!

Contact [email protected] if you're interested in sponsoring our event.


Transit news & Calendar

New red lanes and better traffic signals go in on 3rd Street - these are a few of our favorite things!

BART to SFO: It's great to give BART riders an SFO perk, but really, just make it easier and cheaper to take BART to and from the airport.

Whatever our complaints about Muni's fares, we are apparently a national model for fare structures - from our all-door boarding policy to Muni's free passes for 118,000 seniors, youth, and disabled residents.

November 11 6:00 pm: California Street project open house. We support removing a traffic lane to calm traffic and reduce transit collisions!

Check out our calendar, and click + to add it to your Google calendar.


San Francisco Transit Riders
P.O. Box 193341,  | San Francisco, California  94119 

[email protected]
