I’m asking for your help to stop it

John, I’m going to get to the point because we’re running out of time. The Virginia Governor’s race is a must win for Democrats in 2021.

Just this week, a new Emerson College poll showed me TIED with Trump-backed Glenn Youngkin. That’s right, TIED with the guy whose extreme supporters threw a rally where they said the Pledge of Allegiance to a flag they took from the January 6th insurrection.

John, we only have days left to stop Trumpism in Virginia. Experts are saying Democrats have lost the momentum, and I’m asking for your help to prove them wrong.

If you’re with me, and you want to keep Virginia blue, pitch in right now by making a split donation between my campaign and Seth Moulton.

This is the FINAL weekend before Election Day, and if you’ve been waiting for the best time to donate, it’s right now.

We’re literally counting down the hours until Election Day on Tuesday.

With polls STILL tied, anything can happen -- but here’s the thing, every dollar that we raise this weekend makes it that much more likely that we’ll turn out the voters we need to win. And the country is counting on Virginia to stop Trumpism.

Will you split a donation right now between Seth Moulton and my campaign to ensure we turn out all the voters we need on Tuesday?


I’m up against a Trump-loving guy who has promised to go on offense and ban abortion if he’s elected.

The only way the stakes could be higher would be if I were up against Donald Trump himself.

Now I’ve got to get back on the road, but I’ll ask one last time, please, split a donation right now to ensure that we keep Virginia blue this Tuesday.

-- Terry