
I know you’re focused on enjoying your Sunday — but our end-of-month fundraising deadline is tonight, and before I ask for a contribution, I owe you an explanation about why I’m asking for your support.

Just like my $12 flat-top haircut from my local barbershop back home and my collection of dirt-stained t-shirts from working on the farm, where I come from is a big part of what keeps me grounded amid the partisan games happening in Washington.

I ran for office because I didn’t see anyone here looking out for folks like me and my family — hard working people who just want the government to work for them.

That means grassroots supporters like you are my focus in Washington and the backbone of my campaign — because I’m not here to cozy up to special interests.

So, can you chip in any amount before tonight’s midnight deadline to help keep our work going? We’re going to need to double up our efforts as the GOP fundraising machine gears up for the midterms.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for chipping in. I'm glad to have you on board with me.

— Jon