COP26 is being hosted in the UK this year from 31 October to 12 November. But the government is in danger of making it a wasted opportunity - with huge gaps between the actions they have promised to deliver and the real action we desperately need. Scroll



COP26 (the UN climate conference) is being hosted in the UK this year from 31 October to 12 November. But the government is in danger of making it a wasted opportunity - with huge gaps between the actions they have promised to deliver and the real action we desperately need. Scroll for more about what Greens demand and how we are working to make that happen 🔽


This COP is a crucial event because we urgently need global agreement on how to tackle the climate and ecological emergency. We cannot afford this one to fail. We need collective action to put pressure on government to keep their climate promises, so we want to make sure everyone has access to information about the summit's development and how we'll be involved in COP26.


🌎Sign up to receive our weekly COP26 digest: If you want to receive weekly news about the developments of COP26, you can sign up here.


🌎Find out more about what Greens are campaigning for: We will regularly be posting about Green organised activities and events at COP26 here, where you can also find an overview of what we're campaigning for.


🌎Get involved with Green events at COP26: Find an overview of Green organised events at COP26 at this page by the Green European Foundation. Some of these events are held online, so you can join from your home!

Our first fully hybrid conference was packed with workshops, fringes, panels and speeches. Conference is where members decide the policies of the party. The three speeches held at conference are also available on our YouTube channel:

A message from the House of Lords team: Greens in the room make a difference, we saw that with the Lords amendment on sewage in the Environment Bill. Our Green Party peers had a real influence on the laws being made inside Parliament and a real impact with campaigners outside Parliament. Jenny's recent appearance on Newsnight, debating sewage, has attracted over 84,000 views on Twitter.

If you want more people to hear about the work that Natalie and Jenny are doing to oppose the draconian measures in bills like the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill, then please support our crowdfunder.

Have a lovely rest of your weekend!


-- The Green Party 💚