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Putting People First

This Saturday, Governor Eric Holcomb made it official – he’s running for another four years to lead our state as governor. Standing at center court at the historic Hoosier Gym in Knightstown, surrounded by a “packed house” of cheering Hoosiers, he laid out his vision not just for the future of Indiana, but for what kind of campaign you’ll see in the weeks and months ahead.

I’m so honored to share with you that Governor Holcomb has picked me to lead the team as his campaign manager. I’ll continue to serve as our state party chairman as well, so rest assured – Hoosier Republicans today are one team, unified and ready to keep Indiana moving forward.

And, of course, when breaking the news about my new role this week, Governor Holcomb made another sports reference:

“I’m grateful Kyle Hupfer is committed to leading our total team effort. He’s no stranger to doing double duty and wearing multiple hats, which will serve him and our campaign well as the months ahead unfold. As Governor, this is like getting your number one draft pick. I couldn’t be more pleased and proud.” 

And I’ll tell you right now, it’s going to be a different kind of campaign than what you’re used to here in Indiana. It’s going to center on real people telling their real stories about the positive impact Governor Holcomb has had on them, their families and their communities. Like Governor Holcomb, this campaign is going to be Putting People First.

And after Saturday’s big event, we are full steam ahead! Check out photos below in this email to see more about Governor Holcomb’s stops across the state (so many more to come!). And if you’re ready to join the Holcomb Crew, click here to get involved!

-Kyle Hupfer

PHOTO: Governor Holcomb visits the Clark County Fair with his new campaign manager, Kyle Hupfer, and with his campaign chairman, Clark County Sheriff Jamey Noel. 

Governor Holcomb's Week That Was 

Four More Years:
Governor Holcomb Running for Re-Election

“Let’s keep hanging the banners. And let’s keep making Hoosier history for four more years! Are you with me?!”

The Hoosier Gym in Knightstown was electric on Saturday afternoon. And no, it’s wasn’t overtime at a high school basketball game – it was Governor Holcomb announcing that he’s running to continue serving as our governor for another four year, and to continue Putting People First!

And, of course, where else would Governor Holcomb break the news than at the home court of the Hickory Huskers from the iconic movie “Hoosiers?” Governor Holcomb stood at the podium and quoted Coach Dale: “My team’s on the floor!”

Check out these photos from Saturday, and click here to see more!

Governor Holcomb in “Perpetual Motion”

Governor Holcomb isn’t slowing down! As he’d say, he’s in “perpetual motion.” After his big announcement on Saturday, he hit the road this week, meeting with Hoosiers and talking with local reporters in Noblesville, Greenfield, Shelbyville, Franklin, Charlestown, Leavenworth, Evansville and Terre Haute!

Check out these photos from Governor Holcomb’s travels on the road, and see even more on Facebook!

National Democrats Descend on Indiana

Nancy Pelosi and a parade of Democrats running for president are descending on Indiana this week and next for a series of events in downtown Indianapolis. Among the who’s who of out-of-touch liberal politicians touching down in Trump Country are Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and, would you believe it, Pete Buttigieg.

That’s right! The absentee mayor of South Bend actually took time to set foot in his home state yesterday. It’s unclear whether or not he was able to squeeze in a trip up US 31 to check-in on South Bend – but considering how people there feel about him right now he’s probably wise to stick to his New Hampshire/Iowa/California/New York itinerary.

We just hope they all take a moment to break away from their bubbles and talk to real Hoosiers while they are here. Because if they do, they’ll learn that Republican policies lead to balanced budgets, vibrant communities, more people in good-paying jobs and lower taxes. You might call the Indiana Way a blueprint for success. Let’s hope they take some notes – and call us if they have any follow up questions.

Upcoming Republican Events

July 30: Take Me Out to the Ballgame with Downtown GOP Club, GIRWC, Broad Ripple GOP Club
August 14: Fulton County Republican Party Golf Outing
August 23: Hendricks County Republican Party Golf Outing
September 5: Pike GOP Ice Cream Social
September 20: Adams County Golf Outing  
September 21
Brown County GOP BBQ
September 26: National Federation of Republican Women Convention

**Have an upcoming Republican event not listed here? Let us know at [email protected]p! **

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb talks about how this campaign will be a little different 
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch leads trade mission to Mexico 
Auditor Tera Klutz helped maintain Indiana's great fiscal position
Senator Todd Young helped Pacers draft pick obtain visa 
Senator Mike Braun signs to support 9/11 first responders
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski writes recommendation letter for Tipton overpass
Congressman Jim Banks compares Buttigieg as mayor, and as presidential candidate
Congressman Jim Baird creates legislation to focus on new companies
Congresswoman Susan Brooks helped advance legislation to stop robocalls
Congressman Greg Pence helps seek justice for terror victims
Congressman Larry Bucshon votes to end the Cadillac tax
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth introduces livestock protection bill

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