We’re falling behind on our end-of-month goal and need you to step up right now to get us back on track. Can you chip in today?

I’ll be honest, team. The news isn’t good. I’m seeing our latest numbers and we are not where we need to be.

We’re running out of time to hit our $725,000 goal. If we fall short -- even for one day -- that makes it that much harder for us to catch up.

We did the math and if 4,119 donors chip in our average donation of $22 every day from now until Thursday, we'll reach our goal.

Can we count on you to pitch in $22 (or whatever you can) right now? We need you and 4,118 others to step up today.

I believe in this team. I’ve seen what can happen when we unite around goals that seemed unachievable. It was only a month ago that we had to raise $1.7 million to keep Cory’s voice in this race. In fact, we raised over $2 million because of people like you.

As I write to you, we have another end-of-month goal in front of us and a big donor threshold we need to meet to qualify for the December debate. I know this probably seems like a pattern now -- and it is. Simply put, we need to raise enough money to keep this campaign running strong and we have to ensure Cory’s spot on the debate stage. Falling short of our fundraising goal and losing Cory’s voice on the debate stage is not an option.

At the end of the day, these are just two more obstacles on Cory’s path to the White House. We’ve stepped up to meet these goals before and with your support we’ll do it again.

Let’s make it happen: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/cory2020-em-decdebate


Addisu Demissie
Campaign Manager
Cory 2020


Paid for by Cory 2020

P.O. Box 32009 Newark, NJ 07102 | All content © 2019 Cory 2020, All Rights Reserved.

Contributions or gifts to Cory 2020 are not tax deductible.

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