The sad state of the MSM: choosing politics over truth
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Outrageous! The Washington Post Headline on Baghdadi
The sad state of the MSM: choosing politics over truth
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Did the Canadian Gov't Try to Swing the Muslim Vote?
The appalling publication of a 'Muslim Voter's Guide'
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Islamists Claim to Be Glad the Monster Baghdadi Is Dead. Really?
Then why aren't they burying the ideology with him?
Hey, Ilhan Omar: Who Do You Represent?
Will the voters boot her out?
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Readers Write
‘120+ Members of Congress’ Send Letters of Support to CAIR
“Why would they support an organization proven to support radical Muslim terrorists?”
- B.L.
Protests in Lebanon, Iraq Point to End of Iranian Influence
“President Trump is forcing nations to deal with their own problems, at long last.”
- C.C.
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