John, Kara's busy running around the district today, but we wanted to give you a quick update.

As of 12 p.m. we are $5,906 away from hitting our end-of-month goal. We're scary close to falling short, and we'd really love to get Kara some good news today.

Can you chip in whatever you can to get us back on pace to hit our end-of-month goal right now? We can win this race and ensure long-overdue progress for this district, but we need the resources to create the kind of powerful campaign the real progress demands.

That's why we're reaching out, John. We can't do that without your support in tight fundraising crunches like this one.

We will be giving Kara updates throughout the day on our progress, so please, chip in $5 or whatever you can so we can stay on track to hit our goal.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for all you do,

Finance Team
Kara Hahn for Congress