CNN: They defended the 2020 election against Trump's lies. Now they are running for higher office in states that could decide 2024

John, I’m coming to you with some serious news.

Just this month, I announced that I’m running to become the next Governor of Pennsylvania.

But this is the ultimate swing state, and Republicans are going to put up a fight — Republicans who back Trump’s Big Lie and want to overturn or undermine our elections.

This race is going to be one of the closest in the country — Joe Biden won by just 1 point in 2020 — and it’s one of the most important, too. If a Republican Governor is elected, they won’t just roll back the rights we’ve fought so hard to protect during the Trump Era — they may very well pave the way for someone like him to win the Presidency in 2024.

If we want to keep Pennsylvania blue, our work starts here. Can you chip in $5, $10, or more to my campaign for Governor right now?


Here’s the truth: In 2024, Trump and his allies will try to undermine our democracy. Again.

Pennsylvania Republicans are already hard at work trying to disenfranchise voters before the 2022 election — writing legislation to prevent mail-in voting, and tighten election deadlines.

The key to stopping them? The Governor’s veto pen.

That’s why this race is so important. As Pennsylvania’s Governor, I’d block these attacks on the right to vote, and expand voting rights so that every Pennsylvania voter can make their voice heard.

But my opponents are desperate for Donald Trump’s support, and They’ll continue to boost his Big Lie, roll back voting rights, and boost him in 2024 and beyond.

Our race is critically important. And it could come down to just a few votes. So we need all the help we can get, and urgently.

Please, take a stand with us today. Pitch in just $5 (or whatever you can afford) to help us keep Pennsylvania blue:



Thank you for supporting Josh Shapiro's campaign to become the next governor of Pennsylvania. If you prefer to donate by check, you can mail your donation to:

Shapiro for Pennsylvania
PO Box 22635
Philadelphia, PA 19110
United States

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