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Front line in the fight for liberty!
MCPP unveils big, bold office sign in downtown Jackson

Dear Friend,

If you happened to have a spare $15,000, would you spend it on climate change? I doubt it. With the cost of living increasing, there aren’t many folk with much cash to spare at all. 
Would you chose to spend any of your hard earned money on expanding child tax credits or collectivizing childcare? Again, I doubt it.
Yet this is precisely what Washington is seeking to do with the Social Security and Climate bill. By spending $1.75 trillion of your tax dollars, they are not simply proposing to splurge $15,000 per household. They are throwing that money at their priorities - not yours.
The social security bill is really a bill to socialize America.  It will raise debt and taxes, undermine America’s energy security, and make the United States less competitive.

Thanks to progressive politicians in DC, America is set to have a higher corporate tax rate (28%) than Communist China (25%). If they get their way, America’s energy supply will become as unreliable as Europe’s.
America desperately needs a return of fiscal sanity. Here at the MCPP, we are in the front line in the fight.  We are helping mobilize a mass movement. Our policy papers are helping shift the argument in favor of free markets and limited government.
Thank you for supporting our fight back! Have a great weekend.

Warm Regards,

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO

Ps. Our November 9th event on Critical Race Theory with the Heritage Foundation is almost sold out! We still have a handful of tickets left if you want to book one HERE. Tickets WILL NOT be sold at the door.


Potential Reforms for Mississippi's Public Employee Retirement System - Read Matthew Nicaud
Financial Accountability for Broadband & Electric Associations - Read Matthew Nicaud
 More Accountability with Welfare Funds Could Save Millions of Taxpayer Dollars - Read Matthew Nicaud
True Diversity of Thought Can Have More Value Than Other Diversity Metrics - Read Josiah Dalke
Bitcoin: Boom or Bust? - Read Douglas Carswell


Left-Wing Cities Cancel Halloween
Click to Watch Policy Points 10/29/21
The Folks in Washington Love Spending Your Money
Click to Watch Policy Points 10/28/21
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