We're one step closer to building a future that works for everyone.
National Domestic Workers Alliance (Logo)

John — We are reaching out today with exciting news.

The President announced that there is agreement on the Build Back Better framework, which means we are close to the finish line!

The framework includes two of our key priorities: home and community based services and immigration. It also includes child care, an extension of the child tax credit, funding for affordable housing, and universal pre-K for three and four year olds.

The fact that the care agenda is such a significant part of the framework is historic, and was never inevitable. We made that happen, together!

These were the President’s exact words on home and community based services in announcing the framework:

"Millions of you are in the so-called sandwich generation who feel financially squeezed by caring for a child and an aging parent. About 820,000 seniors in America and people with disabilities have applied for Medicaid and they're on a waiting list right now to get home care. They need some help, they don't have to be kicked out of their homes but they need a little help getting around, having their meals made occasionally for them. They don't want to put them in nursing homes, not because of the cost, but because it's a matter of dignity. They want to stay in their homes. But it's hard. They're just looking for an answer, so your parents can continue living independently with dignity. For millions of families in America, this, this issue, is the most important they're facing. It's personal. So here's what we're going to do. We're going to expand services for seniors so families can get help from well-trained, well-paid professionals to help them take care of their parents at home…To help them live in their own home, with the dignity they deserve to be afforded.”

This is a huge step towards winning a major investment in homecare and you should be proud of yourself for helping us get here.

Yes, YOU! You sent emails, you made calls and let the world know that #CareCantWait! We could not be more appreciative.

Thank you for stepping up each and every time we've asked you to take action. We are so close to building a care infrastructure that benefits everyone, but the fight isn't over yet!

In addition to our priorities, the framework includes historic investments in housing, health care and measures to address climate change. It represents the most significant investment in working-class people and progressive priorities in generations.

Some pieces were not included in the framework that are important care agenda items, specifically paid family and medical leave. That fight is not over. As part of the Care Can’t Wait coalition, we are continuing to push. We must keep fighting, both for the pieces that were not included and to increase funding for home and community based services.

At the moment, this is still a framework. A bill needs to get written and voted on, and all the votes necessary to pass the bill must be secured.

Together we must continue to do everything in our power to ensure Build Back Better passes. We'll be reaching out in the next few weeks asking you to take action.

In the meantime, please tell us why YOU care.

As Build Back Better goes up for a vote, our elected officials need to hear from you. Please share your care journey and tell us how improved home care services will personally impact your family and community.


Thanks for all that you do and be on the look out for our emails next week,

Celeste Faison, Campaigns Director
National Domestic Workers Alliance