Hi John,

In just a few days, the Supreme Court is hearing arguments in the first major gun case in more than a decade. This challenge to a New York state law has the potential to be a dream come true for the gun lobby. It could represent their first major victory in years.

We can’t afford to let activist judges put our hard-won progress in peril, John. Can you contribute today to our legal defense fund?

We’re working closely with partners on a strategy to defeat these gun lobby challenges. We are confident that we will prevail, but it is not going to be easy. Despite the NRA’s financial woes, the gun lobby is still an incredibly well-funded operation and they are throwing everything they can into their legal strategy.

This New York case is far from the only challenge facing commonsense gun laws around the country. Gun lobby activists have filed FOUR different lawsuits against Initiative 1639, which strengthened the requirements for purchasing semi-automatic assault rifles and created a safe storage incentive. The Initiative remains undefeated in the courts. But our gun lobby opponents will not give up.

We aren’t giving up either. We are determined to do whatever it takes to defend Initiative 1639. But legal defense is expensive and we won’t be able to afford this fight without your help. Donate now to help defend this lifesaving law.

These legal fights have the potential to drain all our resources and prevent us from continuing the rest of our work to keep our communities safe. That’s not lost on our gun lobby opponents, it’s exactly what they’re hoping for. Please, make a gift now to help us stand up against the gun lobby and protect our progress.

Thank you,
Renée (she/her)


P.O. Box 4187
Seattle, WA 98194

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