This sweet goat’s battling chronic medical issues due to cruel abusers – can you help this sweet guy?

Friend, Ned the goat still has metal pellets buried deep inside his body, that will never come out.


A shotgun blast left a hole in Ned four inches wide and two knuckles deep.


He survived that hateful cruelty, so we can’t lose him now. But we just dropped Ned off at the hospital. He needs your help! 


Please make an emergency gift to help care for our Ned!


Ned slowly healed from the shotgun blast. But that trauma and the cruelty Ned suffered early in his life has produced EVERLASTING EFFECTS.


And the fall presents a perfect storm EVERY YEAR. Like clockwork:


He’s losing weight. He’s dehydrated. He becomes anemic as his parasite load goes up. Now his lungs are inflamed!!


And, of course, his hips STILL give him pain from his shotgun wound.


His chonic conditions get worse every year as he ages. He was back in the med barn for a month for meds, a special diet, and close monitoring. 


And now he’s at the hospital. We’re worried he has a dangerous infection. Ned’s getting CRITICAL and COSTLY care – like bloodwork and expensive imaging. We have to know what was causing him to be so sick! Pitch in for Ned!


When we first got Ned, he was nothing but skin and bones. His hair was raggedy and clumped. And he was bleeding from the hip, from where some cruel person shot him!


An entire chunk of his flesh had been blown out. I don’t know how he survived…


Actually, I do know. It took caring support from animal lovers like YOU!


Now Ned needs your help. He hurts, and sometimes his leg even goes out when he tries to run and play with the other goats.


We’re giving him the urgent care he needs. He gets special baths with medical shampoo as often as once a week, and he spends a lot of time in the medical barn. I know he’d rather be out in the pasture with his friends!


Ned deserves a long life of comfort and happiness. That’s not too much to ask, after all he’s been through. But I’m going to need your help. All of Ned’s special care needs add up… fast! 


Ned’s medical expenses are mounting… and now we’ll have a big hospital bill. But if we don’t treat the conditions he has now, they could get worse and cut his life short!


Please give whatever you can to support his chronic care fund. Thanks for helping Ned! 




Susan Hartland

Executive Director

Full Circle Farm Sanctuary


P.S. Ned is not only the biggest goat here. He’s also one of the friendliest. Someone was cruel to him in the past, but he’s grown to trust people. Please make a gift to support Ned and all of our most critical residents’ urgent medical needs today. From Ned, and me, and all the animals at this sanctuary—THANK YOU! 

Full Circle Farm Sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity.
961 White House Parkway, Warm Springs, GA 31830
EIN: 36-4735749