
We have a serious chance to fire Nancy Pelosi as Speaker.

But she’s using her big donors from the coasts to outspend us and the rest of the conservative movement. As of the last finance report, Pelosi’s PAC has over $53 million in the bank ready to attack House conservatives across the country. 

We need strong grassroots support to catch up and FIRE PELOSI.

Can you pitch in today to help us catch up?
It may seem like we’re far behind, but even a small donation from people like you can go a long way in helping us win back a GOP majority.

America is done taking orders from the tyrannical Left. Nancy Pelosi is using her position of power to push for a far-Left agenda that leads America down a dark path to Socialism.
Enough is enough. It’s time for Nancy to go!

Thanks for your support! We couldn’t do this without you. 

-The Fire Pelosi Fund

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© Emmer for Congress 2021