An Open Letter to Former President George W. Bush
Dear President Bush,
Herein is a suggestion for how you can enhance your place in history. Begin by recognizing that you are uniquely placed to perform a pivotal service for your country. Should you do so, your standing in American memory is guaranteed to soar.
Whatever many of us might think about the policies you pursued during your eight years in the White House, nobody ever accused you of being an enemy of democracy or identified you as a wannabe autocrat. Fundamentally you are a decent and moral man who values the foundational principles of your country.
As you well know, the same cannot be said for a particular former occupant of the Oval Office. His character acts as a definition of human indecency. He stands condemned as a congenital liar, corrupt businessman, racist dog-whistler, and sexual predator. At present, he is working day and night to subvert the U.S. Constitution and effectively abolish majority rule in the United States. Most dangerously, the insurrectionist from Fifth Avenue is planning to once again run for president.
We know what you said to Hillary Clinton minutes after the completion of the man's inaugural address. You said, "That was some weird shit." Well, his entire term validated your succinct analysis—and everybody knows it. Astoundingly, however, the general acknowledgment of his failings has had little effect on a large swath of the electorate. The folks devoted to his nativist ranting remain determined to ignore his rampant dishonesty and dangerous incompetence. If the transparent grifter should ever again squeak by in the Electoral College, his destruction of American norms will resume without restraint.
Here is the suggestion, Mr. President: speak directly to the man's base. Tell the people who adore him the unvarnished truth. Deliver a speech that transcends partisanship and embraces love of country. Double and redouble the intensity of the great address you delivered to mark the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Only this time identify the danger directly; spell out the poison letter by letter as T.R.U.M.P.
Time is growing short, sir. Please step up. —Michael Carin, Canada
Ed. Note: Michael Carin has authored seven books, including "Guilty Men: They Made Trump."