In just a few seconds, you can help us make real change.

Dear Friend,

As you may know, we’ve been chosen as one of three non-profit organizations receiving donations from CREDO in October. The amount we receive depends on your votes, and many of you have heard the call! We are immensely grateful to all those who have taken a few seconds to vote for us on the CREDO website.

Voting has been really competitive this month, and tomorrow is the last day to vote. If you haven’t voted yet, please take a few seconds to do so - it really makes a difference. And if you’ve voted already, please take a few seconds to forward this email to two of your allies - family members, friends, coworkers - and invite them to join the movement with their votes.

Here at Hollaback!, we believe that small actions can make a big difference. A simple vote is a way to help fund the movement against harassment, without opening your wallet! When you vote, you help us keep providing the tools for effective bystander intervention, conflict de-escalation, and more, to as many people as possible - for free. Like every intervention against harassment, every vote adds up - and together, our small actions propel us forward into the world we want, where the culture of harassment is replaced with one of care and community.


Voting for Hollaback! is a quick, easy, and free way to support the movement.


Voting ends tomorrow, October 30th, so please don’t wait to take action! Your vote makes a difference. 


With love and gratitude,

