After months of work, Democrats in Congress are poised to unite around President Biden's consensus plan to build back better.

We are going to get this done because America needs us to get it done. Here is what it means for families across the country:

  • A massive investment in child care. Universal and free preschool for all 3- and 4-year-olds in America. A guarantee that no family will spend more than 7% of their income on child care. And an extension of the $250-300/month refundable child tax credit that has already delivered the largest one-year reduction in childhood poverty in American history.
  • An historic investment to tackle climate change. We are investing in domestic production of solar energy, wind energy, battery technology, and green technologies that will reduce carbon pollution. We will offer new tax credits to reduce the cost of adding solar to your home or buying an American-made, union-made electric vehicle. And we are creating a Civilian Climate Corps that will hire 300,000 people to work in our public lands, improve climate resilience, and do the work of taking on climate change.
  • Expand affordable health care for millions of Americans. This plan reduces premiums for 9 million Americans and delivers coverage to 4 million uninsured people whose states have refused Medicaid expansion. And we will offer hearing benefits to older Americans through Medicare.
  • Invest in rebuilding America's infrastructure. With the agreement on the Build Back Better plan, we will be able to pass the bipartisan infrastructure plan. This plan includes big investments in rebuilding our roads and bridges, expanding Amtrak, expanding broadband internet access to rural communities, building a national network of electric vehicle charging stations, funding low and zero-emission buses and ferries, and so much more—all of it creating millions of well-paying jobs to do the work.
  • And it is all paid for by taxes on corporations and wealthy Americans. President Biden kept his promise of no tax increases for the middle class. This plan includes tax increases on people making over $10 million a year, and implements a new corporate minimum tax of 15% on overseas profits.

As I said, Democrats are going to get this done. Governing is hard work and it is often messy and frustrating. But in the end, we are going to prove that good people can come together and figure it out—and deliver for the American people.

Rick Larsen

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