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The league table performance of grammar and faith schools drops substantially once "fairer" measures of pupil background are added to progress measures, a
new study demonstrates.
DUP MLA Jim Wells has been slammed as "highly insensitive" after calling for referenda to be held on the two significant changes to the law on social issues
in Northern Ireland.
Seven Italian doctors who refused to perform a potentially life-saving abortion are fighting accusations of manslaughter in a trial that is expected to set a
precedent for Italy's medical attitude towards the procedure.
A Kirkcaldy man who admitted behaving in a threatening manner by repeatedly uttering 'religious offending' phrases and comments has been banned from
attending football matches for 12 months.
US food chain Chick-fil-A, which funds several Christian anti-LGBT organisations and causes, has opened a branch in the Highlands, shortly after opening one
in Berkshire.
A report has called into question religious control over the curriculum and ethos of Northern Irish schools. Alastair Lichten says it should prompt a
re-evaluation of the segregated, inefficient system which exists now.
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