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The voice of a new generation

Weekly House News

A look at the inside of the Progressive Party,
just for you and a small group of premium supporters.

Hey John ,
here's a peek into the insides of the Progressive Party. We promise it will never be too long and will not be full of garbage blog posts with paid advertisements and other commentary. This Weekly House News will get you a glimpse of what we are up to, the newest on issues, specific Progressive Party topics and other relevant information.

We believe that emails are a crucial way for our Progressive Party to stay in touch with members and supporters.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: The reason women are critiqued
"The reason women and critiqued for being too loud or too meek, too big or too small, too smart to be attractive or too attractive to be smart, is to…
Look for the Good via Jason Mraz
We made history in New York City. When we rise up, come together and fight, we win. Who are you willing to fight for? Jason Mraz proudly endorsing Bernie Sanders…
no school the day after halloween
A petition to give student a day off after Halloween. It’s very hard for students of all ages to enjoy Halloween having to go to school the day after. Without…
Join the Privacy Revolution
Join the Privacy Revolution - Join at: You own your content. You control your interactions. You design your level of privacy,  where you can be authentic and uncensored, the…
AOC Grills Zuckerberg On Facebook Allowing Political Ads With False Information
During a House Financial Services Committee hearing, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was questioned by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the platform’s recent decision to allow politicians to run ads that contain…
Watch the full-length documentary about The Young Black Conservatives of Trump's America
By popular demand, here's an extended version of the roundtable discussion we hosted between black conservatives and liberals. Check out some handy time codes of what was discussed below: Black…